Laurel Hester, R.I.P.

I won’t blog too much on her today, as I didn’t know her personally. I will, however, point you to her obits at, The Big Gay Picture, and the New York Times, as well as my previous entry on her plight, written around Yule.

I’m glad her story has a (somewhat) happy ending, though: Laurel has gone to her rest knowing that her partner, Stacie Andree, can legally inherit her pension benefits and her home, as Laurel wished.

The larger implications for same-sex couples should go without saying. But I can guarandamntee that some people won’t get that message unless it gets said over, and over, and over again. Which is why Laurel’s case sets a vital precedent.

Even in death, a person can still accomplish so much. There’s a lesson there for the living, I’m sure.

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