And if you guess correctly what she died of, you win a hunk of asbestos-ridden rubble from Ground Zero:
A 41-year-old paramedic who worked at a morgue for months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attack on the World Trade Center was buried Monday after dying of an asbestos-related cancer.
Deborah Reeve, a 17-year paramedic, died on March 15 of mesothelioma, a lung cancer associated with exposure to asbestos, her family said. Reeve developed a cough in late 2003 and retired at the end of 2004 after becoming too ill to work.
Her doctors and family say her cancer was caused by exposure to toxic dust from the World Trade Center site. City health officials say it’s too early to definitively link trade center exposure to respiratory illnesses.
A pending lawsuit alleges more than 20 deaths have been linked to ground zero exposure.
Reeve is survived by her husband, also a paramedic, a 10-year-old daughter and a 6-year-old son.
And if he dies of 9-11 related illness too, then what will happen to those kids?
I can hear the trolls now: Oh, ‘Bina…stop being so damn morbid. After all, the EPA said it was safe to breathe…
Try telling that to these people, though. I don’t think any of them feel safe.