Too true to be truly funny

Tom Toles 'toon, too true

This would be a good time to start rethinking all that, yes?

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2 Responses to Too true to be truly funny

  1. Rroja says:

    Bina; I write to you on Malloy but it’s a dead link now (?)..
    A neocon sent me this… thought you’d be interested
    The Venezuela Connection
    By Aleksander Boyd
    On April 11 2006, Mexican authorities seized 5.5 tonnes of high purity
    cocaine in Ciudad del Carmen’s airport. On August 3 2005, Dutch tax
    authorities and the sea harbour police seized 4.6 tonnes of cocaine in
    Rotterdam, the largest ever haul in the Netherlands. On October 13
    2005, Spanish police seized 3.5 tons of cocaine in a fishing boat
    bound for Spain. On September 16 2005, 691 kilograms of cocaine were
    seized in the Tuscan port of Livorno, Italy. On December 14 2004,
    1.141 tonnes of cocaine were seized in two separate operations in
    Kenya, the largest ever seizure in Africa. On May 16 1999, a Saudi
    prince, Nayef bin Sultan bin Fawwaz Al-Shaalan, smuggled 1.993 tonnes
    of cocaine into Paris on his personal aircraft under diplomatic
    Aside from these major drug hauls, in most cases the greatest ever
    made in each of the countries, countless individuals have been
    arrested in European and North American airports for attempting to
    smuggle drugs. It is by no means coincidence that all the
    aforementioned cargos, huge or modest, originated in Venezuela;
    neither is it the periodicity of the apprehensions, which are in an
    ever augmenting curve.
    (Embedded image moved to file: pic24350.gif)
    Venezuela, under Hugo Chavez’s tenure, has become, for all intents and
    purposes, a gangster’s paradise. Drug traffickers, wanted terrorists
    and criminals seem to be able to live quite comfy under the lenient
    watch of a Venezuelan administration that has characterized itself for
    being totally immersed in the destruction of the country’s
    institutions and international agreements to which it once formed
    part. As Chavez’s savage political discourse rules the official
    agenda, activities destined to arrest activities of organized crime
    are nearing irrelevancy. For instance the Drug Enforcement Agency
    (DEA) was kicked out of Venezuela on August 2005, under the spurious
    and unsubstantiated charges that its staff was a) spying and b)
    involved in drug trafficking, as denounced by Hugo Chavez himself.
    Since 1999, military and DEA over flights are forbidden in Venezuela.
    Arguing violations to the country’s sovereignty, the president
    suspended monitoring of drug trade activities by US agencies.
    Statistics reveal a correlation between Venezuela’s lax policies
    vis-à-vis drug trafficking and the substantial increment of large
    seizures of narcotics by international authorities. It seems that the
    Chavez administration is hell bent in providing safe haven and support
    to Colombian narco-guerrillas, which some believe have succeeded the
    former cartels in the production, trans-shipment, international
    commercialization and related operational aspects of the drug trade.
    The capture in Caracas of FARC leader Rodrigo Granda on December 13
    2004 shed light upon the rather cozy relationship between top
    guerrilla leaders and Venezuelan officials. Granda, who was granted
    Venezuelan citizenship by the present administration according to
    former president of Congress Cristóbal Fernández Daló, had been, at
    the time of capture, living in Venezuela for a while. His wife and
    step-daughter entered Venezuela thanks to the assistance and explicit
    orders of former Chavez’s Minister of Interior, Ramón Rodríguez
    Chacín. It is worth bearing in mind that Colombia is, after the US,
    Venezuela’s second largest commercial partner. That fact
    notwithstanding, Hugo Chavez brought diplomatic and commercial
    relationships to a halt over the capture of Granda.
    As drug shipments originating in Venezuela are increasingly seized by
    law enforcement authorities the world over, governments would do well
    in re-examining the role that the Venezuelan State, its Executive,
    military and officials have on this issue. It can not be rationally
    argued that Venezuelan authorities are merely overwhelmed by a surge
    of drug trafficking activities, for for said activities to augment
    there must be a well-oiled operational mechanism, employing a great
    deal of people, behind it. Tonnes of drugs just not materialize in
    ports, secret hangars or abandoned airstrips across the country, much
    less in purportedly well manned international airports. Success in
    drug trafficking requires a level of official support, or at the very
    least, leniency from authorities. Hence my conclusion that many
    government officials from the Chavez administration are deeply

  2. Bina says:

    Wow. What a load of BS.
    He should read Vheadline or Venezuelanalysis (your neo-con friend, I mean; Boyd is a hopeless, insane hack.) Then he’d realize that not only is Venezuela NOT a gangster’s paradise under Chavez; he’s actually done more to clean the place up than many of his predecessors combined.
    You’ll never hear THAT from a neo-con, though.

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