And what is that, you ask? Let the Beeb answer…
The Church of England has criticised Madonna’s appearance on a cross to kick off her latest tour in Los Angeles.
“Why would someone with so much talent seem to feel the need to promote herself by offending so many people?” said the church in a statement.
Madonna performed the ballad Live To Tell while suspended from a giant mirrored cross on the opening night.
This is not the first time the pop star’s concerts have upset the Church.
In 1990, the Pope called for a boycott of the Blond Ambition tour, in which Madonna simulated masturbation during Like A Virgin.
The video for Like A Prayer also brought condemnation from the Vatican for its burning crosses and depiction of a black Jesus.
In answer to the C of E question: You people are missing the point. What you are witnessing IS Madonna’s greatest talent: her talent for self-promotion by way of controversial expression. If she’s not pissing someone off by offending their religious (and racial) sensibilities, the lady’s not doing her job.
And apparently, her fans agree.
I love your blog. I just read that Madonna announced she is giving music a rest, saying she doesn’t have the “time or energy” to sing. Interesting! What do you think about that?