Festive Left Friday Blogging: Posted for no particular reason…

…other than that it’s a nice shot of Hugo Chavez:

A nice shot of Chavecito

And I like it.

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3 Responses to Festive Left Friday Blogging: Posted for no particular reason…

  1. Macu Naima says:

    ¡UH! ¡AH!
    No Se Va
    Sabina, I love your site and repost from it often.

  2. denisdekat says:

    I find it hard to like a man who is strong and sides with the strong against the weak (arnold schwarzeneger)…
    I find it easy to like a man who is strong and sides with the weak against the strong (Hugo Chavez)…

  3. Bina says:

    Muchas gracias! Glad to hear from you.

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