Je proteste!

Condi the bass-ackward Mountie

Now, this is NO way to portray a Mountie. Quite aside from the fact that Condi stands for just about everything unCanadian and couldn’t get her man if you dropped him smack on his ass in front of her, I take umbrage at this on the grounds that Mounties only ride black horses. (It goes better with the red serge. No, I’m not kidding.)

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4 Responses to Je proteste!

  1. Wren says:

    Condoleezza plans to swoon both sides of this Israeli-Lebanon conflict with a piano recital. That makes sense. Neither side is the old Soviet Union so she has to use the only other expertise she has. LOL Maybe Bush will throw a “Save the Semites” concert next?

  2. Bina says:

    I hope he remembers that Arabs are Semites too!

  3. tulsademo says:

    we miss you at the malloy board. how dare they ban you

  4. Bina says:

    Well, they have something up their butts, apparently.
    Oh well, not to worry, I’ll be back!

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