It wasn’t quite enough that the editorials of all the major US military newspapers were calling for him to resign or be fired.
Nor did the defections of several noteworthy neo-cons (even as long as two years ago!) make any appreciable impact. Now, is that any way to treat those who put him in the Pentagon?
And heaven forfend that international public opinion (including that of Rummy’s German relatives) should make any difference.
No, since Dubya was The Decider, and The Decider had decided that Rummy was doin’ a heckuva job, Rummy wasn’t going anywhere…
…until a little, tiny straw came along and broke his back.
It’s called PUBLIC OPINION, and it is the backbone of DEMOCRACY.
And it has sent Rummy packing, so as not to be impeached or convicted of war crimes by a newly non-compliant Congress.
And that has left The Decider looking rather, well…INDECISIVE.
Because maybe, just maybe, he could now be next. If Nancy Pelosi cuts the crap and finds her spine, that is.