1. If you conservatives are so compassionate, why has your “compassion” only created more problems, and exacerbated, but not solved, any of the existing ones?
2. If your foreign policies are the answer to all the world’s problems, why do they most often result in violence–or chants of “Go Home!”?
3. If your trickle-down economics really work, why are more people now OUT of work as a result–or not being paid enough to live on for the hard work they do?
4. If you claim to be a Christian, why do you follow so few of the teachings of Christ?
5. If AIDS is God’s punishment for gays, why are so many heterosexuals and their children dying of it? And why, conversely, do so few lesbians get AIDS–are they any less gay than the males?
6. If you believe so strongly in God, why do you have so little faith in humanity?
7. If freedom isn’t free, why aren’t you paying your share, and making sacrifices for it?
8. If history has ended, why does it keep repeating–and coming back to bite you in the ass?
9. If capitalism is really the best way for all, why is the majority of the world’s population so poor after so many centuries of it?
10. If men are the stronger sex, why are only women capable of giving birth–in addition to being able to do virtually everything a man can, other than maybe write our names in the snow?
11. If you’re not racist, why won’t you vote for a black person, and why do you support policies that directly harm non-whites?
12. If war builds character, why does it wreck so many minds?
13. If you’re so big on manners and civility, why are you so damn rude to those who disagree with you–especially if they’re from another country?
14. If the private sector can do everything better, why not just pay the Mafia to be your police and fire department?
15. If you don’t want other people’s hands on your money, why are you still driving on public highways, visiting national parks, and just generally availing yourself of benefits bought with other people’s tax dollars?
16. If God is your co-pilot, why do you keep going so horribly off course?
17. If Muslims are the enemy, why have most of the more than one billion of them never done you any harm?
18. If the market can take care of all our needs, why can so few people actually afford the market rate–and why does it keep failing to provide even the basic essentials?
19. If liberals are “fascists”, why do liberal and liberty share a common linguistic root?
20. If you are always right, why does insecurity reek from your every pore–often exploding into violence at the flick of a match like this, which I have struck merely to give you light?
1. If you conservatives are so compassionate, why has your “compassion” only created more problems, and exacerbated, but not solved, any of the existing ones?
Which problems are these? Be clearer next time!
2. If your foreign policies are the answer to all the world’s problems, why do they most often result in violence–or chants of “Go Home!”?
By and large, the only ones who scream, “Go Home!” are the terrorists and Saddam sympathizers. Maybe that’s because we’re killing them all the time; boy, they must not like that too well, I imagine! Otherwise, while I doubt the people of Iraq want us there forever (nor do I want us there forever), they are fairly happy that we came in and took out the dictator. Remember the reaction in the streets when the verdict and sentence of Saddam was released? Nope, I don’t think the masses were all that sad to hear that he is going to hang by his ratty little neck.
3. If your trickle-down economics really work, why are more people now OUT of work as a result–or not being paid enough to live on for the hard work they do?
Are you for real?!?!?!? 4.6% unemployment! At this point the only people not working are living on welfare or disability. This is very close to full employment for the country. As for fair wages, if someone does not like the wages they are paid, then they are more than free, in this country more than any other, to take steps to improve their lives through education and/or hard work. There is a reason that people like Condoleeza Rice have become so successful. She grew up in poverty, but she persevered through her destitute situation that she lived in and went to college, eventually becoming the first black female Secretary of State. She didn’t do it by living off the welfare system for her whole life; she did it by pushing through the obstacles and coming out on top.
4. If you claim to be a Christian, why do you follow so few of the teachings of Christ?
I assume you mean that we are so warlike, right? Well I never claimed to be as perfect as Jesus. He can turn the other cheek, whereas I cannot. So when we get attacked, as a country we need to retaliate. As you liberals love to say, government and religion should be separate. So a government should not be beholden to a religious credence such as “turn the other cheek” when it comes to the survival of a nation.
5. If AIDS is God’s punishment for gays, why are so many heterosexuals and their children dying of it? And why, conversely, do so few lesbians get AIDS–are they any less gay than the males?
Well for starters, I am not a part of the “God hates fags” church! I reject your notion that conservatives believe that AIDS is a “punishment”. It is a blood-borne viral entity that has found an effective way to spread itself. Why do heterosexuals get AIDS? Sharing needles during intravenous drug use is one way. Having unprotected sex with a partner who has engaged in risky sexual practices is another. Bisexual partners who sleep with both men and women are particularly at risk if they do not use a condom. Well, I will say I have not seen the statistics that show lesbians get AIDS less than gay men. IF that were true I would imagine that it has to do with the fact that very little bodily fluids are transferred when they are intimate. The absolute best way for AIDS to transfer is through anal sex. That is because it is a physiologically violent sexual practice, ripping the lining of the rectum with tiny lacerations. Since AIDS is transmitted through the semen, the virus enters through those lacerations into the bloodstream. Children mainly get AIDS from their mothers while in utero. The rate of child death from AIDS is very low in the U.S., but is exponentially higher in Africa, where AIDS infected older men have sex with younger teenaged females. Maybe if you bothered to think for once, you would realize all of this. But you can only sit here and attack conservatives with harsh rhetoric and few facts.
6. If you believe so strongly in God, why do you have so little faith in humanity?
Take a look at the world around us. We’ve had Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Hussein, Pol Pot, Mao, Ted Bundy, Richard Ramirez, BTK, Jack the Ripper, Vlad the Impaler, Osama bin Laden, al-Zarqawi, Abu Nidal…I mean the list goes on and on for examples of the worst that humanity has to offer. Humanity would be great without the dark side of it! But we all know that is never going to happen, so I choose to embrace the good but destroy the evil. Extreme liberals choose to embrace the good and evil at the same time, making no distinction between their actions. It’s called moral relativism, and it, quite frankly, sucks!
7. If freedom isn’t free, why aren’t you paying your share, and making sacrifices for it?
Well, I pay my taxes, which go towards fighting the war. If I could, I would join the military and fight the terrorists, but I have a hearing impairment, which prevents me from joining. If they ever need half-deaf, out-of-shape redheads with a bad knee to fight on the frontline, I’ll be the first to sign up. I would rather fight and die for my country, when we could fight now and WIN! What I don’t want is for my daughter to have to fight this same war in 20 years when our generation could take care of this problem ourselves.
8. If history has ended, why does it keep repeating–and coming back to bite you in the ass?
I am not even sure what this question is trying to say….History has ended??? History is made every day, and those who do not learn from history, are most definitely doomed to repeat it. But since you only offer platitudes and rhetoric, I am not sure specifically to what you are referring in this question.
9. If capitalism is really the best way for all, why is the majority of the world’s population so poor after so many centuries of it?
Look at who the poor countries are, and the socio-political ideologies that they follow. I guarantee you that the poorest nations on this planet are NOT capitalistic in nature. Socialists, Communists, and the downright nasty dictatorships subject their people to living in squalor while they live in the lap of luxury. One only has to look at the palaces of Saddam Hussein and then the impoverished surrounding neighborhoods to see what his self-extravagance has wrought upon the people of Iraq. Does America have poor people? Obviously we do! But the difference between a poor person living in a free market society as opposed to a poor person living in a Communist one is this: The free market poor person can work his way out of poverty, whereas the Communist is stuck in his economic class forever! Also, capitalism in its purest form has never existed in any country in the history of the world, and certainly not for centuries! America is the closest that history has ever come to a capitalist nation, and that was only back in the 19th-early 20th centuries. We are now a mixed economy, with many more regulations than a true capitalist society would ever have.
10. If men are the stronger sex, why are only women capable of giving birth–in addition to being able to do virtually everything a man can, other than maybe write our names in the snow?
Well now I know this question was written by a NOW feminist! I think women are capable of giving birth because they have a uterus and a vagina. But seriously, I totally believe that men and women are equal, as far as equal rights and opportunities. However, men and women are different!! It has been proven many times over in physical and psychological tests. While there are women who can bench press a car and men who can crochet a mean blanket, there are certain things that the sexes are generally more suited for. It is encoded into our genetics and it’s pretty hard to ignore. Give a little boy a doll and he starts playing “war” with it. Give a girl a toy truck and she starts rocking it like a baby. I’ve seen it happen!! Those are biological and genetic drives which make us who we are.
11. If you’re not racist, why won’t you vote for a black person, and why do you support policies that directly harm non-whites?
This is just a ridiculous race-baiting question. I do believe it was the Republicans who ran Ken Blackwell (Ohio), Michael Steele (Maryland), and Lynn Swann (Pennsylvania) in various state governmental races!! I voted for Blackwell over the white Strickland and would do so again and again. I vote for conservatives, black or white! Why would I not vote for Barack Obama (Illinois)? For the same reason I would not vote for John Kerry or any other white liberal. Obama is a Liberal!!! Are there people who wouldn’t vote for a person due to their color? Sure! That’s called closed-mindedness, and it has nothing to do with a party affiliation. I have known quite a few racist Democrats in my day. As for supporting policies that harm non-whites, the only one I can think of recently would be the immigration law. Frankly, that has nothing to do with a person’s race; it has to do with someone taking advantage of our goodwill as a kind and sympathetic nation. I have no problem with Hispanics or any other race wanting to live in America! I don’t blame them for wanting to live here; it’s a wonderful country! But stop trying to come in the back door; ring the doorbell and let us know who you are, and we will give you every opportunity to become a citizen. I am a product of immigration, as are most Americans, but you have to emigrate in a lawful manner, as my grandparents did.
12. If war builds character, why does it wreck so many minds?
Who the HELL said that war builds character?!? Anyone who says something so ludicrous is a raving lunatic, right or left. War is Hell, and if it could be avoided I would gladly do so. But when we have maniacs flying planes into our nation’s buildings and killing thousands of Americans (and non-Americans too), then I believe the time for war is upon us.
13. If you’re so big on manners and civility, why are you so damn rude to those who disagree with you–especially if they’re from another country?
Maybe these questions are directed towards Michael Savage (crazy extremist talk show host who is quite rude with opposing callers, especially if they are from another country. I agree with him on issues quite often, but his presentation leaves a lot to be desired). When I disagree with someone who opposes my view, I debate him with facts and ideas. While there are some on the right who scream and rant, I find that the people on the left are far more unhinged and seething with anger when it comes to trying to argue with them in a rational manner.
14. If the private sector can do everything better, why not just pay the Mafia to be your police and fire department?
You really are a moron. That’s not an insult, that is a FACT! There is a huge difference between the private sector and the black market sector!! Surely you can see that!! There are some circumstances for which the government is necessary; public safety is certainly one of those circumstances!
15. If you don’t want other people’s hands on your money, why are you still driving on public highways, visiting national parks, and just generally availing yourself of benefits bought with other people’s tax dollars?
I think I answered this question suitably in the answer above. Conservatism is NOT Anarchism! We do believe in government, just government in a limited form. Government is useful for public utilities, road and highway construction, national defense, and public safety.
16. If God is your co-pilot, why do you keep going so horribly off course?
You answered your own question, genius! God is the co-pilot, but you are still the PILOT! He is there to show you the right course, but it is ultimately your decision to choose your own flight path. If that path takes you into the side of a mountain, well, hey He tried to tell you!! “Hey moron, there’s a mountain up ahead!! Steer Right!!!” *Pun intended*
17. If Muslims are the enemy, why have most of the more than one billion of them never done you any harm?
I don’t think that we’ve said that MUSLIMS are the enemy. No, I do believe we were pretty darn clear in saying that Islamic Fascist Muslims are the enemy. If the time ever comes that they gain the upper hand in this war, the extremists will start killing the moderates for not being Muslim enough.
18. If the market can take care of all our needs, why can so few people actually afford the market rate–and why does it keep failing to provide even the basic essentials?
Have you been to a Wal-mart lately?!? Cheaper than dirt!! Maybe you would prefer the good old days of Communist Russia where you waited in line for 4 hours for one state provided loaf of bread to bring back to your family of five; and hey maybe they had bread when you got to the front of the line and maybe they didn’t. Sorry Vladimir, maybe next time! Once again you are being vague – what are the basics to you? I would take the basics as being food, water and air. Air is free, drinking water is provided by the utility company for a somewhat reasonable fee (although that is debatable!), and food is found in remarkable abundance all over this country in all kinds of food markets.
19. If liberals are “fascists”, why do liberal and liberty share a common linguistic root?
Liberals aren’t fascists, and I never said they were. They are socialists and Communists!! You really should learn the political terminology before you start throwing them around in an attempt to look intelligent. Liberals basically want the LIBERTY to do whatever they want without someone telling them that they can’t do it. “If it feels good, do it; and do NOT judge me for it.” This is the social liberal credo in one sentence, ladies and gentlemen.
20. If you are always right, why does insecurity reek from your every pore–often exploding into violence at the flick of a match like this, which I have struck merely to give you light?
Maybe you should ask Al Franken this question; he could probably tell you.
I realize you didn’t actually expect answers to these, that you were just spouting off at the blowhole; however, I can answer them and I have logic to back it hope. I love to debate in the arena of ideas…if you have any, I’m more than willing to talk about them.
Eric, Eric, Eric. Can’t you THINK for yourself, instead of spouting the usual pat non-answers provided by your noise machine?
I would say I’m disappointed, but your “response” is entirely par for the course. I don’t think I’ll waste further energy on you, but others are welcome to take a stab.
Actually, he CAN think for himself. You, on the other hand, resort to name-calling (typical of liberals) and decide to completely evade the issues at hand. If you wish to argue that liberals have better ideas than liberals, back it up! Forgive my harshness, but your comment shows a lack of foundation. Since I have not read any of your other blogs, I am not going to accuse you of being a bad writer/thinker (in fact, liberals accused me of just that on my blog).
You say you “will not waste energy,” but I think I’ll call your bluff and say that you have no energy to waste. From the get-go, many of your questions are not characteristic of conservatives (or even the Republican party). When someone challenged you, you replied by accusing him of spitting out typical answers. As a bloggist, if I had someone answer my questions the way Eric has, I would be estatic! That, of course, is me. Your response, ironically is typical of liberals (go to my blog “2450….and a humorous look at liberals” at myspace.com/stats395 if you don’t believe me).
The other reason why your “waste no more energy” statement makes absolutely no sense is because you really didn’t waste any energy commenting back. I know college twits that can think up a better counter (albeit not much) to his post.
Really? “He can think for himself?” That’s funny. Thanks for the biggest laugh I’ve had all day. All he did was recite the same litany of bullshit you people all do when backed into a corner. Hannity, Limbaugh, Savage Weiner…blah, blah, blah. I have heard all this crap a thousand times. Repetition doesn’t make it true.
BTW, if liberals called you a bad thinker, Eric/Ashley/whatever your real names are, they’re only being kind. I’d say they’re giving you all far more credit than you deserve. I see no evidence of thinking in either of you, only the usual knee-jerking to the tune of “you liberals are all evil”. In fact I had to check your IPs to verify that you are indeed not both the same poster, because you just sound so much alike!
But thanks all the same for proving me right on all points, especially #20. You save me so much effort. With every stinkbomb you drop here, your already poor image in the eyes of the world takes a further beating.
Yeah that truth thing gets in the way every time. It’s a real bitch, huh?
Eric, there may be hope for you yet. You’ve just admitted you have a problem, which is the first of the 12 steps.
Keep reading this blog and you may yet achieve recovery from that nasty addiction of yours!