Festive Left Friday Blogging: I’d never wash my cheek again

Hugo Chavez kisses a reporter hello

’nuff said.

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4 Responses to Festive Left Friday Blogging: I’d never wash my cheek again

  1. Macu Naima says:

    Here is a story dated December 2nd on the discovery of plans (CIA backed) to claim the election in Venezuela was a fraud and show the “opposition” candidate as the winner. My translation follows:
    They prepare for the defeat before the elections
    The opposition calls for a demonstration “Against the Fraud”
    The material, a full color banner (notice) in which, among other things, Rosales appears [dressed as] President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela – calling the followers of the opposition candidate to support the “Great Avalanche Against Fraud” on December 5th. The demonstration is scheduled for 10 AM starting in the Altimara Plaza and goes to Miraflores, in Caracas.
    Early today [December 2nd], the Armed Forces confiscated material alluding to a demonstration called by the leaders of the Manuel Rosales campaign committee, because of a [supposed] fraud that would occur in the Presidential Elections 2006.
    [this paragraph just lists the military officers who – in the video – presents the information to the press]
    The material, a full color banner (notice) in which, among other things, Rosales appears [dressed as] President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela – calling the followers of the opposition candidate to support the “Great Avalanche Against Fraud” on December 5th. The demonstration is scheduled for 10 AM starting in the Altimara Plaza and goes to Miraflores, in Caracas.
    For the members of the National Armed Forces [of Venezuela] (FAN), material of this type clearly denotes intentions – of this opposition group – to subvert [civil] order and create chaos. It is unknown how many of these [posters and flyers] have been distributed.
    It is our hopes that in exposing this destabilizing plan to the [court of ] public opinion, those responsible will become known.
    Pérez Leal explained that he got the information from members of the same organization [that set up the plan] who are not in agreement with these antidemocratis acts.
    “There is an anarchic group among them [the conspirators] that have no representative base, but who generate problems that the majority rejects. Many people in the organization have given me information regarding this act.”
    Se preparan para la derrota antes de las elecciones
    La oposición convoca una manifestación “Contra el Fraude”
    El material, un aviso a todo color en el que, entre otros elementos, aparece Rosales como Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, hace un llamado a los adeptos del candidato opositor a acudir a la “Gran Avalancha Contra el Fraude” el próximo 05 de diciembre. Dicha manifestación, pautada para las 10:00 a.m. partiría de la Plaza Altamira hasta Miraflores, en Caracas.
    Hoy en horas de la madrugada, la Fuerza Armada Nacional incautó un material con información alusiva a una marcha convocada por el comando de campaña de Manuel Rosales contra un presunto fraude que ocurriría en las Elecciones Presidenciales 2006.
    La información la dieron a conocer el G.D. del Ejército, Juan Paredes Torrealba, Cdte.1era División de Infantería y Guarnición de Maracaibo; G.D. de la Guardia Nacional, Castor Pérez Leal, Cdte. Comando Regional 3; y el G.B del Ejército, Cliver Alcalá Cordones, Cdte de la 11ava. Brigada de Infantería.
    El material, un aviso a todo color en el que, entre otros elementos, aparece Rosales como Presidente de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela, hace un llamado a los adeptos del candidato opositor a acudir a la “Gran Avalancha Contra el Fraude” el próximo 05 de diciembre. Dicha manifestación, pautada para las 10:00 a.m. partiría de la Plaza Altamira hasta Miraflores, en Caracas.
    Para los miembros de la FAN, material como este denota claramente las intenciones de subvertir el orden, crear caos, de un grupo de la oposición. Indicaron que aún desconocen la cantidad de estos avisos que ya han sido distribuidos.
    Esperan que al haber dado a conocer ante la opinión pública este plan desestabilizador, al menos, aparezca alguien que asuma la responsabilidad por el hecho.
    Pérez Leal señaló que obtuvieron la información a través de personas de esa misma organización que no están de acuerdo con vías antidemocráticas.
    “Hay un grupo entre ellos, anárquico, que no tiene mayor representación pero generan problemas, la mayoría rechaza eso. Muchas personas de esa organización se han acercado a mi activamente para darme información con relación a esto”.
    Ver vídeo:
    La derecha no acepta la derrota
    Envía esta noticia

  2. Bina says:

    Thanks, Macu.
    Is that from Aporrea? I’ve been reading them more and more lately, as my Spanish improves…

  3. Dana says:

    VIVA CHAVEZ! And what a lucky girl to get a kiss from him…I want one too!

  4. Slave Revolt says:

    The guy just simply kicks ass. My respect and awe of him improves year after year.
    He just kicks ass.
    A leader with the caliber of Chavez comes around ever hundred years or so, maybe even longer. He helps move humankind forward.
    He went from being the son of a humble family in a backwater of Venezuela to being known, listened to, and a admired by hundreds of millions of people.
    He plants seeds that are viable and important if we are to survive as a species.

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