You thought the holidays were over? Well, maybe so–but for me, the fun’s just begun.

The hardest part of the swearing-in this week of my favorite democratic socialist was finding the perfect Chavecito pic. Not because there was any shortage of great ones, but because there was a veritable glut. Big smiles, killer dimples and droll gestures abounded:

Let’s face it–he’s just more fun than his rightist rivals could ever hope to be. On top of everything else.
Chavecito was also on hand to see another amigo sworn in:

Here, it was Daniel Ortega wearing the sash, but what’s that around Chavecito’s neck? Surely not a little token of thanks for all the help he’s giving to Nicaragua as it prepares to enter ALBA?
And, as promised, here’s a shot of the left’s latest Nobel nominee, too:

Nope, still no suit for the unlikely trendsetter. But I do love the subtle trim on Evo’s jacket.
But wait! Are all these celebrations wearing on Chavecito and General “Tao”? Perish the thought:

They just can’t help it if they’re too hot to handle!