However you say it, Chavecito and Evo have the situation well in hand…
And speaking of squirrely, get a load of ABC’s split personality. On the one hand, they have Chavecito giving good interview to Baba Wawa. On the other, they peddle locura like this–from a yellow journalist with a habit of getting herself sued for libel (and storming out of interviews).
Of course, this is all to be expected: Dubya’s smarm offensive flopped as predicted, while Chavecito’s alterna-tour (complete with substance!) was a smashing success. A situation guaranteed to drive the American Broadcaster of Crapaganda nutso.
(And in other squirrely news, check out how the “Business Media Institute”, no doubt another far-right sausage factory, lost the last remnants of its marbles over the Baba Wawa schmoozefest. Chavecito los tiene locos–not that THEY need any help.)