Looks like something very interesting is happening on the frontier between Brazil and Argentina…something which could prove ominous for the Bush Crime Family and its planned ranch in Paraguay.
The convention of the Colorado Party, which has governed Paraguay for 60 years, yesterday approved a new political orientation defended by president Nicanor Duarte, in tune with other nations in Latin America.
In his more than two-hour-long speech, Duarte called neoliberal doctrine “idiotic”, rejected protectionism and declared himself in favor of “humanist socialism”, which he defined as “connected to ideas and actions in favor of those who have the least.”
Indicating that “ideologies are changing in the world”, Duarte rejected “all forms of totalitarianism and imperialism, no matter their origin or their geographical location”, and exhorted his audience to be inspired “in the struggle which is developing the concept of autonomy.”
From Aporrea; translation mine.
Granted, Duarte’s shocking move could be as easily due to the presidential ambitions of ex-bishop Fernando Lugo, who resigned his post within the Catholic Church to run for president (and is enjoying considerable popularity in the polls). But it could also be due to his own friendship with Chavecito. After all, it’s hardly a secret that the two are pals, as well as political allies:
That’s Duarte on the right. His amigos (L-R) are Nestor Kirchner (Argentina), Chavecito and Evo Morales (Bolivia).
Any way you look at it, this spells trouble for Rancho BushCo. Socialism was supposed to be dead (according to fools like this, anyway), and now here it is, rearing its head anew in the strangest places!
Happy May Day!