Fortress North America, a.k.a. the Security and Prosperity Partnership? It’s a fascist power grab. And just as it worked out all peachy for PNAC, the Reichstag Fire 9-11 provided the perfect pretext for these people to create a three-way Anschluss between us, the US, and Mexico.
For anyone naively thinking this will lead to warmer and fuzzier trilateral relations, I have bad news: it won’t. Our borders will not be easier or safer to cross for business, shopping, pleasure, or just spending time with relatives on the other side; they will be meaner and nastier and far more nerve-wracking. Already, Canada’s border guards are armed and dangerous; meanwhile, Mexico is getting an apartheid fence and a passel of racist pottymouths and useful idiots from El Norte to “defend” the boondoggle from the Yanqui side while the corporatists keep laughing all the way to the bank (having built a portion of it using the very people they claim they are trying to shut out).
What it all means: Canada and Mexico will still be on the ass-end of the “free trade” sodomy, only this time it will be a much harder, nastier bum-fucking than ever before. But at least we’re united in one concrete way. After all, we’re both taking an unfair amount of blame for terrorism–never mind that 9-11’s triggermen got in quite legitimately through US international airports, NOT across our borders! How about that…they were LEGAL aliens.
Now, kindly ‘scuse me while I scope around for some Scope. I think I just threw up in my mouth. No, don’t send me any get-well cards. I’ll be okay. It’s a logical reaction to the devil’s brew of racism, fascism and corporatism we’re all having jammed down our throats.
Right on, ‘Bina, spread the news of farce and imperialist actions they are doing.