The Big Fella was a busy boy this past week (when is he ever NOT?)–visiting Argentina to attend the inauguration of a good friend and former Argentine First Lady, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner…

…who got a customary Chavecito friendship gift: a copy of Bolivar’s sword.
And while he was there, he toured a low-income housing construction site, where he palled around with some women workers…
And of course, the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo:

…whose famous headscarf logo even found its way onto his hard hat.

Nice pics of Chavez.
This guy has a great way with people.
If the Madres of the Plaza have you back, you know you are on the right path. These women are incredible, honorable people.
Slave, you’re quick today…LOL.
I was going to publish a pic of him with some guys as well, but the comments section doesn’t seem to allow image coding. Shit, shit, shit.