Oh what a tangled thread they weave–the crapaganda whores, whose job is to deceive!
For anyone who doubts that the US-owned and operated (by the State Dept.) Radio and TV Marti are in fact black propaganda organs and not messengers of liberty, read what one group of Cuban students had to say today:
The Cuban students whose images were exploited by the media in order to present them as examples of a rebellion against the government, denounced the videos as a manipulation in which they were used, and deny that they were detained as the media claimed yesterday.
After the recording of a two-hour chat between the students (of the University of Information Sciences) and the president of the Cuban parliament, the western media began to distribute some small fragments, which they presented as illegal recordings that showed the students rising up against the Cuban government. They did not mention that these acts are always recorded by the students and linked in their entirety via the university intranet.
Yesterday, on the 11th of February, the media began to denounce the “detention” of a student, Eliecer Avila. In a video, this student is now denouncing that statement as false. The lie began to spread, curiously, in Radio Marti and TV Marti, two media created in the United States “to bring the truth” to Cuba. However, once the message was repeated via other media and agencies, they withdrew the item from their website. The media did not stop repeating that “young Avila Cicilia was arrested at 9 a.m. on February 9 by state security agents, who arrived at his home in the El Yarey neighborhood of Vazquez, municipality of Puerto Padre, in the province of Las Tunas.”
Translation mine.
Aporrea has screenshots of the false reports and YouTube videos (made by the CubaDebate website) of the student whose statements were taken out of context and falsified, denouncing the manipulation, along with several classmates. He certainly does not look like someone who was abused by police or deprived of freedom at any point. He is, however, quite indignant that his image was abused, and his good name smeared, by foreign media. He also shows the blue t-shirt he was wearing at the time of the alleged “uprising”–which is not a rebel shirt at all, but bears an “at” symbol (@), entirely appropriate to a student at a university of computer sciences and a computer buff (which he is.)
Meanwhile, Part Two of Fidel Castro’s bitch-slap at the hallucinating John McCain is out in Granma. It’s chock-full of interesting facts, including the story of the scuba gear that failed to kill its intended target. Seems its intended carrier, when he learned of the germ plot, was horrified, refused to go along with the CIA’s assassination plan, and brought Fidel a clean suit instead. It also reveals some clues as to the doubtful state of McCain’s sanity (taken from McCain’s own autobio, no less). It’s long and it rambles (hey, that’s Fidel!) but every paragraph is an eye-opener. Go read.