Okay, how embarrassing is this?
Team USA World Police undoubtedly thought they’d recruited a winning soccer team among the Peace Corps and the Fulbright Scholars currently living, studying and working in Bolivia. How sad and pathetic is it that their intended star players are already on the side of Integrity, with no intention of signing with any team owned and operated by BushCo’s stinky State Dept.?
President Evo Morales declared a U.S. Embassy security officer to be an “undesirable person” on Monday after reports that the officer asked an American scholar and 30 Peace Corps volunteers to pass along information about Cubans and Venezuelans working in Bolivia.
Morales said Cooper is, “for Bolivia, for the government, an undesirable person,” and accused him of sending U.S. citizens in Bolivia out as spies. “I feel that this man has not only violated the rights of these citizens, but also violated, offended and attacked Bolivia,” the president said.[…]
On Friday, Fulbright scholar Alex van Schaick told The Associated Press that Cooper, the embassy’s assistant regional security officer, asked him to pass along the names and addresses of any Venezuelan and Cuban workers he might encounter in the country. “We know they’re out there, we just want to keep tabs on them,” Schaick quoted Cooper as telling him on Nov. 5.
ABC News reported that Cooper made a similar request to 30 newly arrived Peace Corps volunteers on July 29, angering the organization’s programming and training officer for Bolivia, Doreen Salazar, who told Cooper that the request violated policy and told the volunteers to ignore it.
So, here’s a quick rundown of the goals:
Peace Corps, playing for the side of Integrity: 1.
John “Alex” van Schaick, playing for the side of Integrity: 1.
The Bolivian Government, playing for the side of Integrity: 1.
The score so far: Integrity, 3; Team USA World Police, 0.