Finally, Ingrid Betancourt rebukes Uribe

Took her awhile, and some of us were wondering what the fuck was up when she praised his highly dubious “rescue mission” (which some of us suspect was either a ransom or, I believe, an attempt at bribery.) But she has finally taken him to task, albeit a bit too mildly, and the Beeb has her on audio. Go listen.

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2 Responses to Finally, Ingrid Betancourt rebukes Uribe

  1. Slave Revolt says:

    Ingrid has been very far from honest in her declarations since she has been freed.
    Indeed, not to mention the righwing paras, the elites, politicos, and the military folks that support them–this is extremely dubious, and it points up the fact that she has class alliances that have a stake in maintaining US alliances, and keeping the left totally out of mainstream politics.
    She had a chance to be candid and honest in her assessment of the situation, but she is playing political games.
    More, it is clear that she is more of an individualistic opprotunist and a worshiper of oh-so-civilized France than she is a Colombian nationalist with a modicum of authenticity.
    Giving a pass to the empire and the para-aligned Uribe government in the aftermath really reflects poorly on Ingrid’s character.
    Warrior for her social class and opprotunist of the highest order.

  2. Bina says:

    Yeah, that’s the impression I got, too. Especially after reading Machetera’s translations of a couple of very interesting articles:
    On the other hand, her mother, Yolanda Pulecio, has impressed me much more favorably. Right from the start, she came off as nothing more than a worried mom and an outspoken campaigner for peace. She knows that the real mission here is not to catapult Ingrid into the presidency (taking her from under a percentage point, which is where she stood before her abduction, to over 50% popularity now), but to free all the hostages and make sure the world knows how much Chavecito and Sen. Cordoba deserve credit for getting the peace process underway.
    I really should write about Gustavo Moncayo, the “peace walker”, who has gone all over Colombia in shackles and chains to protest his son’s disappearance, and paid visits to Venezuela, too. Maybe offer some translations of Aporrea’s extensive coverage of his walks. The English language press has said nothing at all about him, probably because he has nothing good to say about Uribe!

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