And this is why Canada still votes on paper ballots

So that stuff like this doesn’t happen.

So that life doesn’t imitate art imitating life:

And so that no dickweed with Harpo’s tyrannical ambitions gets a parliamentary majority.

Any questions?

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3 Responses to And this is why Canada still votes on paper ballots

  1. skippystalin says:

    That almost hurt my feelings.

  2. ROFL–why? The dickweed was Harpo.

  3. skippystalin says:

    Oh, I thought you were talking about me.
    After all, I explained why I wasn’t voting Conservative and why I nearly voted for the NDP but couldn’t because I’m not insane.
    Instead, I voted for an independent that I never heard of before and will never hear from again, mostly because the Libertarians refuse to run in unholy domain of Martha Hall Findlay.

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