It’s official…

…the constitutional referendum in Bolivia is ON, babies! It’s slated for January 25. Heeeeere’s Evo:

Alas, Evo won’t be allowed to run more than two terms, meaning that after 2014, he’s outta there. On the other hand, there’s probably nothing to prevent his silver-fox veep, Alvaro Garcia Linera, from taking a shot at the presidency, so all is not lost.

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One Response to It’s official…

  1. mgrace says:

    This just makes me feel so GODDAMN good!!!!!!
    Seriously, though, I missed that party in Plaza Murillo to sleep for two days in the bus station in Puno, Peru. Crap!!!
    Anyhow, bad for me, but good for Bolivia and good for the world!!!!!@!!!
    Happy days!

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