Does Alan Garcia give a shit? Aporrea thinks not:
Translation mine.And of course, the government of Peru isn’t exactly quick off the mark on this; their defence minister will say nothing except to deny that any of the missing people have been “detained” by the militaries. So, then, the operative question becomes, Who disappeared these missing people? After all, they didn’t just wander off and disappear themselves. Will the government of Peru be laying all this at the feet of commies yet again? Just one more example of what Otto calls “investment grade” Peru, no doubt.Human rights groups have denounced the disappearance of 11 persons during military operations to search for a column of Shining Path guerrillas in southeastern Peru.The denunciation was made by a peasant woman who “escaped a military incursion in the hamlet of Pichis, where soldiers arrived on September 14 by air and ground, shooting and launching rockets”, according to Yúber Alarcón, representative of the Pro-Human Rights Association of Ayacucho, quoted by AFP.The woman, Lucy Pichardo Fernández, fears that her husband, and five other family members–two children among them–and five lumberjacks have been killed by the military, Alarcón added. Paula Capcha, the campesina’s attorney, said that she had presented the denunciations to the People’s Defender and the magistrate’s office of Ayacucho, as well as a habeas corpus so that the authorities offer information as soon as possible.“We don’t know right now if they have been killed or kidnapped, and that’s why the family members want to know the whereabouts of their loved ones,” Capcha told AFP.
Now that I see you have a comments section here I just wanted to tell you that I think your blog is excellent, and, together with a couple other blogs, it really helps me keep up with events. Its not every day that you come across a blog or webpage that can give this other angle (a.k.a. the reality) to what’s happening in South America.
Now the only thing lacking here are some intelligent readers to engage in productive debate/conversation. When you get that, I’ll be around to debate the big ideas.
Thanks for the good words, Tosh. I’m hoping to see them coming out of the woodwork, too. So far, it’s been a one-by-one-by-one thing. The day I see real commenters outnumbering the spambots, I’ll know I’ve arrived.