Stupid Sex Tricks: How not to rent a property

Didja know that the Johnson City, Tennessee, police have a blog? And that they blog such interesting things there as this?

On 10-21-2008, the Special Investigations Squad of the Johnson City Police Department arrested a city resident of charges of Extortion and Patronizing Prostitution.

The arrest stemmed from an investigation launched after a complaint was made that George Defrieze, W/M, DOB 02-07-1949, of 806 Spring St, was engaged in illegal activity. The investigation found that Defrieze is a rental property owner and was attempting to entice a female tenant into paying her rent by engaging in sex with him on a regular basis.

Defrieze was taken into custody and transported to WCDC where he is being held in lieu of an $11,000.00 bond and is scheduled to appear in Washington County General Sessions Court on 10-23-2008. Defrieze was charged with one count of Extortion of one count of Patronizing Prostitution within 1.5 miles of a school.

I don’t know what freaks me out most–that some horny goat tried to extort sex from a would-be tenant in lieu of rent, that an extortion attempt would be termed “Patronizing Prostitution” when the woman in question was not an actual prostitute, or that someone in the cop-shop saw fit to blog it.

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