Stupid Sex Tricks: How not to get a divorce

Rule #1: Don’t accuse your estranged spouse of anything you aren’t sure s/he actually did. Especially if medical testing is involved:

A Manhattan lawyer who sued his estranged wife for allegedly giving him herpes didn’t get it from her, court papers say.

White-shoe attorney Frederick Tanne, 47, filed suit against his wife of 22 years, Amy Tanne, 46, earlier this year, charging her straying had left him with Herpes Simplex Virus 2, an STD that caused him to suffer “pain, suffering, emotional, mental, psychological and physical injuries and loss of enjoyment of life.”

In court papers filed yesterday, Amy’s lawyer, Thomas Mullaney, said his client had a blood test last month and “presented as ‘negative’ for HSV-2, more commonly known as genital herpes, with which Mr. Tanne is allegedly infected.”

BTW, this is why no-fault divorce (or the term “Irreconcilable Differences”) was instituted. Basically, it was designed to save the divorcees a lot of heartache, headaches–or in this case, acute pains of the wallet due to major stupidity.

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