Festive Left Friday Blogging: Because one can never have too much Evo!

Say cheese…


Evo was in Achacachi recently, inaugurating a dairy plant…and opening a community centre:


He’s been a busy boy on other fronts, too. Here he is, handing out wheelchairs to disabled people:


…which undoubtedly makes this little guy very happy.

But you know what makes ME want to celebrate? This. Next year, the UN will declare Bolivia to be fully literate. Oh hell, next week Evo will beat them to it.

Can YOUR savage capitalism do that? If not–why?

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3 Responses to Festive Left Friday Blogging: Because one can never have too much Evo!

  1. Eversaved says:

    Oh, Evo.
    Yes, it would be hard to get one’s fill of him, wouldn’t it?

  2. Greengeeta says:

    I saw him in person once. He sparkles. It’s really magical.

  3. I wouldn’t doubt it. He’s cute in videos.
    BTW, it’s official: Bolivia is now illiteracy-free

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