Shocker: Peruvian ALBA houses have nothing to do with Venezuela!

Hmmm, I wonder what Alan García says to this?

The Venezuelan ambassador, Armando Laguna, in declarations to the foreign press in Lima, dismissed accusations made by a Peruvian parliamentary commission that the so-called “ALBA Houses” represented “an arm of political infiltration” by the Venezuelan government in Peru.

Laguna declared that the “Casas del ALBA” initiative is entirely the doing of Peruvian citizens and has nothing to do with the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas treaty, which was initiated by Venezuela to counteract the Free Trade Area of the Americas, and to which Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras and the Dominican Republic belong.

“We have not involved ourselves in the internal politics of Peru…I do not advise anyone, nor do I aid anyone, much less financially, in the wrongly-named ‘ALBA houses’,” said the ambassador. He added that he had never set foot inside one.

The ambassador attributed the initiative to a known leftist activist in the Puno region, Marcial Maydana, who has never hidden his sympathies for the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chávez, and who also presides over a non-governmental organization which transports Peruvian citizens to Bolivia to receive eye care in clinics set up by the Venezuelan government.

The ambassador himself has overseen no fewer than 18 flights of Peruvian citizens “of few resources” to Venezuela to be treated for eye conditions in “Mission Miracle”, but this initiative was paralyzed when the parliamentary commission initiated its investigations of the “ALBA Houses”.

Translation mine. Linkage added.

Smooth move, Ex-Lax–you’ve basically stopped your own citizens from receiving eye care your government sure as hell isn’t providing. And isn’t going to in the foreseeable future, either.

The more I learn about Alan García, especially compared to Chavecito, the worse I feel for Peru.

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