Translation mine. Linkage (in English) added.Curiouser and curiouser! And most curious of all, I’m not a bit surprised that Argentine ex-military fascists are also suspected of involvement. Why do you suppose that is?Well, maybe it’s because the Argentine carapintadas are among the worst of the worst. Just the mention of their painted faces is enough to strike terror into hearts all over South America. Here’s a little info on them from their Wikipedia entry:The government of Evo Morales is investigating the ties between the recently-disrupted terror cell and some Argentine ex-soldiers called “carapintadas” (painted faces), associated with the far right in that country. One of them, Jorge Mones Ruíz, is believed to have met in early April in Santa Cruz with Eduardo Rózsa Flores, the Bolivian-Croatian killed in last Thursday’s raid.Mones Ruíz acted as an Argentine delegate in UnaAmérica, a far-right organization setting itself up against Unasur, the South American Union, in a crusade to denounce leftist governments in Latin America, recruit members, and finance the right-wing in Colombia.Mones Ruíz was slated to be an intelligence official of the Argentine army in Bolivia during the last dictatorship and prided himself on the recognition of his comrades and his Bolivian ex-comrades. In his recent trip to Bolivia he was accompanied by Liliana Raffo de Fernández Cutiellos, widow of Lt.-Col. Horacio Fernández Cutiellos, who died during the attack on the Regiment of La Tablada by the Movimiento Todos por la Patria (MTP), according to the Argentine daily, Página 12.The woman visited the ex-prefect of Pando, Leopoldo Fernández, in prison. Fernández is accused of conspiring against the Morales government. She and the major of the Cavalry, who took up arms to keep from being tried for crimes against humanity along with Aldo Rico, had gotten credentials as correspondents for the newspaper Estrella de Oriente (Eastern Star). Among the objectives for the trip was to meet with another fugitive from justice, for crimes against humanity and who happened to be in Santa Cruz de la Sierra: Luis Enrique Baraldini. Federal judge Daniel Rafecas put out an order for Baraldini’s capture some months ago. The daily newspaper La Arena de La Pampa revealed that Baraldini was in Bolivia. This announcement led to a current search on the part of Interpol.In an article by journalist Nora Veiras, Página 12 reports that the Morales government is investigating the links between the suspected international terrorist organization with the ex-carapintadas and Baraldini. […]For several months the authorities of both countries suspected that Argentine ex-carapintadas had united with factions of the far-right in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Pando and Cochabamba.The Bolivian minister of the presidency, Juan Ramón Quintana, was in contact with the Argentine ambassador in La Paz, Horacio Macedo, who guaranteed Argentina’s help in locating the suspects.
Hmmm, how interesting. They rose up against Raúl Alfonsín, the interim president of the time, who guided Argentina back to democracy. That’s the same Alfonsín that a certain troll here couldn’t bring himself to show a modicum of respect for in death. Surely not because he actually made a stab at trying to bring some right-wing military scum to justice?And of course, there’s that name. Aldo Rico. He certainly wasn’t the only baddie in the bunch; there were, heaven knows, enough others besides him. But there he is. And the widow of one of his partners-in-crime has been in contact with the scummy ex-prefect of Pando, under the pretext of being journalists. With credentials from a newspaper, no less. They visited him in jail. What do you suppose the “interview” was really about? Surely not to plan some paramilitary terror operations against Evo, similar to those against Raúl Alfonsín back in the day? Yep, these sure are interesting times, in the most Chinese-curse-y sense of the word. And bound to get more so before this case closes.The Carapintadas (English: Painted Faces) were a group of mutineers in the Argentine Army, who took part in uprisings during the presidency of Raúl Alfonsín in Argentina.In December 1986, the Ley de Punto Final (Full Stop Law) was introduced. This law set a 60-day deadline for the victims of the country’s Dirty War to file complaints against members of the military and police suspected of human rights abuses.On April 15, 1987, military personnel headed by Lieutenant Colonel Aldo Rico staged a series of barrack uprisings demanding that the trials of those not exempted under the law be aborted. The mutineers were all seized, but only two arrested.The Carapintadas revolted again under Rico’s command in January 1988 in Monte Caseros. They surrendered a few days later and 300 of the mutineers were arrested. Another uprising took place in on December of that year, when members of the Albatros special unit, led by Mohamed Alí Seineldín, took control of the military barracks in Villa Martelli. They were later followed by around 1,000 troops of the three armed forces. The mutineers surrendered days later, but only Seineldín and Major Hugo Abete were arrested. Several of the mutineers demands were conceded by the government.On October 1989, president elect Carlos Menem signed a pardon for a number of detained military men; including 39 held by events during the military government, and 164 Carapintadas. In spite of this, on December 3, 1990 Seineldin again staged an uprising, which ended with several deaths and 300 arrested. A few days later, Menem signed the pardon for all the most important people convicted for misdeeds during the Dirty War.
I hope you realize how many Evo-in-shorts pictures you need to post to make up for this thing.
LOL–at this rate, I’m gonna have to find nude pics of our favorite cocalero, no?
Tasteful ones, of course.
Thank you for all the information, too, said she in a desperate effort to seem less shallow. This is all very interesting, let’s see how deep this story goes.
Yeah, it’s gonna shake out to be a doozy…I’m seeing evidence that this was definitely an international terror conspiracy, with fascist tentacles out to wreak separatist havoc in several countries, including Argentina. Scary on the one hand; on the other, it also means they’re desperate, because they probably can’t find enough bozos at home to do the job. So they have to go recruiting abroad–WAY abroad. Ireland and Hungary? WTF?
And of course, ANY pic with Evo in it, in whatever state of (un)dress, is sure to be tasty. Er, tasteful.
terrific copy & paste from the Comunist argentinian newspaper Pagina 12. Yesterday, they were terrorist, tha killed with guns and bombs, a nd Today related with intel operations against argentinian military.
Care to prove any of what you said, PUPU? If you can’t, you’re gonna get banned. I don’t like people who post fake email addresses. “” is not original; it’s the mark of a porteño fascist coward with nothing of substance to say.
It’s called a TRANSLATION, not a “cut and paste”. It’s also a lot more detailed than your so-called response, which is entirely in line what I’ve come to expect from fascists abroad. You have nothing to rebut me, so you attack instead.
Go fuck yourself.