Festive Left Friday Blogging: May Day! May Day!

It’s International Workers’ Day. Do you know where YOUR socialist leaders are?

WHAT? You don’t have any? Well, better do something about that next election day.

In the meantime, enjoy these shots of Evo, who made TIME’s top-ten most influential people of the year, signing six decrees that will make Bolivian workers’ lives considerably better:


It was clearly a gorgeous day in La Paz. Perfect for giving speeches to a standing-room-only crowd:


…full of colorful personages, including a guy in a condor suit:


Oh yeah, and don’t forget Chavecito. He gave another of his long, inexhaustible speeches today:

As per usual, he kicked ass.

BTW, this is Beltane for us Witches up here in the Northern Hemisphere, and for our austral brethren and sustren, it’s Samhain. Blessed be, everyone!

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2 Responses to Festive Left Friday Blogging: May Day! May Day!

  1. el gav says:

    happy Beltrane!
    sounds like an automotive part, i gotta tell ya.
    (uhh… no ´r´. i am stupid. i am from the states, you know.)
    better yet, I’ll just say WORKERS UNITE.
    no exclamation point. it’s more ominous.

  2. Heh…that’s true! Takes a writer to know, eh?

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