Putting the “Ho” in Honduras

Or maybe the “O-ho!”, depending on who you ask. Here’s something innnnnnteresting I found at YVKE Mundial:

In the demonstrations taking place today in Tegucigalpa, capital of Honduras, and in the popular organizations, members of the teaching profession, union leaders, and people in general called for the immediate restoration of the legitimate president, José Manuel Zelaya. One of the slogans chanted by the demonstrators referred to a truth seldom mentioned in the national and international media, but which everyone knows well in this Central American country.

Deputies and politicians are now accusing Zelaya of trying to consolidate his stay in power and seeking to modify the Honduran constitution–which is considered “treason against the Homeland” there. The deposed president, kidnapped and violently extradited by a sector of the military, tried without success to hold a popular, non-binding referendum, which was interrupted by the coup d’état on the 28th of June.

The proposal put forth by Zelaya differed greatly from what happened in 1985 when the then-deputy, Roberto Micheletti, called for a constitutional referendum to extend the mandate of the then-president, Roberto Suazo Córdoba.

Specifically, on October 24, 1985, two years after the approval of the prevailing constitution, various parliamentary deputies tried to introduce a proposal calling for a constituent assembly, and for that they solicited the suspension of various constitutional articles, the same which today serve the de facto authorities to legitimize the removal of Zelaya. These articles are numbers 373, 374 and 375, referred to as the “mechanisms for reform and defense of the Constitution”.

Translation mine. Emphasis added.

Betcha you had NO idea that this Micheletti guy was such a two-faced little fucker, eh? Accusing Zelaya of doing what he himself tried to do in 1985, presumably for a leader much more to his personal liking. That’s called projection, kiddies. I find it appalling, but not a bit surprising, that no major English-language news outlet has broken that rather crucial part of the story. To hear them tell it, he’s just the interim de facto blahblahwhatever. You learn nothing about him.

In fact, you probably know very little about this whole story if you pay attention to the lamestream anglo media. They didn’t report the earlier probable attempt on Zelaya’s life, after all. You might be forgiven for thinking this coup was really bloodless (when in fact, nothing could be further from the truth.)

But if you can read Spanish, or if you come here regularly for the innnnnteresting monsters I find and translate, you’re in a helluva lot more luck. Because now, I think, you have some idea of why this verrrrrry innnnnnteresting piece of graffiti has appeared in downtown Tegucigalpa:


Gee…is someone calling someone a human rights abuser???

While we’re on the subject of human rights abusers, Otto has more here. (Oh hell, why not read his, El Duderino’s and BoRev’s great golpistaramas while you’re at it? I’m still playing catch-up on this whole god-awful buggery.)

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