Music for a Sunday: Find a bar, avoid a fight, show your papers, be polite…

Three to brood on, all Canadian:

“Listen to the Radio”, by the Pukka Orchestra.

“Tokyo Rose” by Idle Eyes.

“Eyes of a Stranger”, by the Payola$.

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4 Responses to Music for a Sunday: Find a bar, avoid a fight, show your papers, be polite…

  1. Ben Gruagach says:

    I had forgotten about Pukka Orchestra. And that little bit of graffiti near the start of the video, that says “Cherry Beach Express”, sure plants them firmly in Toronto doesn’t it?

  2. Yep. It’s also the name of another of their songs (as is what’s on the theatre marquee, “Might As Well Be On Mars”.)
    “Cherry Beach Express” is about police brutality in 52 Division.

  3. tony duggan-smith says:

    Tony here from the Pukka’s
    Thanks for picking us out of the box, we still love the music and still create. Check out ‘Autocondo’ either on Youtube or other music provider and at:
    Graeme, Neil and I all have a hand in it and it represents us now. Have a great life!

  4. Tony, it’s an honor to have you visiting this humble blog. I’ll be sure to look for your latest–it sounds great. Thanks for stopping by!

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