A Venezuelan from the 23 de Enero barrio in Caracas demonstrates his support for the people of Honduras.Another day, another death in Honduras. More murder and mayhem against local media who dare to report the true facts of the Micheletti dictatorship…
Translation mine.Radio Globo of Honduras is not to be confused with Globovisión, the far-right television station in Venezuela, which is extremely pro-coup and anti-democracy not only on its own turf, but as concerns Honduras, as well. It’s obvious that the dictatorship has taken to murder as a means of intimidation, which is a sign of desperation on its own part. And for anyone who thinks rubber bullets are non-lethal, wake the fuck up. Here are some pics (warning: gruesome!) of the damage that they can do, and some information (from Israel!) about why they are not acceptable as a method of crowd control. An infection causing fever is not unlikely, especially in a tropical setting such as Honduras. People have died of infection even from non-lethal wounds.I hope Esteban Meléndez recovers, and soon. The resistance has need of all the help it can get, especially from photojournalists.PS: The “bloodless” coup has also claimed its first female death since Zelaya’s return. Wendy Elizabeth Ávila died from the gassing she sustained one week ago, when police and the army used supposed tear gas to dislodge protesters from around the Brazilian embassy. She suffered bronchial spasms and respiratory distress. Bear in mind that tear gas was first developed during World War I, and intended for use as a deadly weapon. This is one more thing that should not be used for crowd control. Its ongoing use by authorities everywhere is one more manifestation of their gross disregard for human life and welfare.Marco Antonio Canales Villatoro, nephew of the proprietor of the Honduran Radio Globo station, was assassinated on Saturday in the capital city of Tegucigalpa.Canales Villatoro, 40 years old, was apparently killed during an attempted theft of his laptop computer as he left an evangelical church, by two men who came by on a motorcycle and shot at him.Canales Villatoro was transported to hospital, where he died in the afternoon, according to a press release by the National Front of Resistance Against the Coup d’Etat.Radio Globo is the only station in Honduras that transmits the words of the ousted president Manuel Zelaya, who returned to Honduras last Monday and remains in the Brazilian embassy. It is one of the few media outlets that has given coverage to the mobilizations of Zelaya’s followers. The Front also denounced that some assailants broke into the home of Silvia Ayala, a congresswoman of the Democratic Unity party and a follower of Zelaya. A journalist and distinguished photographer, Esteban Meléndez, stated that last Wednesday, during a march of the Front, he was wounded by five rubber bullets as he was taking pictures of the soldiers who were acting against the Zelaya partisans.In a telephone call, Meléndez said that as a result of the gunshot wounds, he was currently in bed with a fever.
why are you supporting Marxist dictators?
Strike three. You’re out.
Zelaya is NOT a dictator, much less a Marxist. He is democratically elected, and merely a liberal–a distinction you clearly don’t get, since you’re a fucking moron. Why don’t you inform yourself? You might make a fool of yourself in fewer places, and get banned from fewer ones as well.
Unfortunately, you’re shit outta luck here. Buh-bye.
The most dictator we have now is the Michelettis’s government, just look at the streets and you will see a lot of military people, police and green dressed people, you can not go where you want to, and you can not do what you want to, same is happening around the the country.
People must stay protesting against this government otherwise we will live under pressure for at least 20 years.
we who lived the 80’s in Honduras can remember how was this time, you never would like to live under a presidente like the ones in 80’s.
Is not micheletti the main problem, but is the people around him which is the same people who ruled this country during 80’s.
Remember the names and last names. example.
Flores Facussé
Rafael callejas
Miguel facusé
Alvares martines (uncle of oscar álvares)
Medina luna
Ramón custodio
Billy joya
Los canahuaty
Los larach
Ramos soto
Juan orlando hernandez padre.
And so on.
They are the same people who was blessed with the CONADI in late 70’s and early 80’s.
Just think who is governing us now.
David, thanks for that. And yes, it’s certainly looking just like the ’70s and ’80s all over again, in the worst way.
The most obvious giveaway, for me, is how the Gorilletti faction keep claiming that they are the ones upholding the Honduran constitution. I suppose that’s literally true, especially when one remembers that they are the ones who wrote the damn thing, and the last thing they want is a Mel Zelaya convoking a constituent assembly to write a new one, in which all the articles that discreetly help keep the oligarchs in power behind the scenes will suddenly be gone.
But there’s only one problem with their claim that they have constitutional backing: Nobody elected them president. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what they’re upholding, because it just plainly and simply is not their job. It’s Zelaya’s job. He’s the man the people hired. He might not be ideologically perfect, but he is acceptable because he is committed to the process of change, and he is willing to hand power along to others who will keep the changes going.
Hang in there, be strong, don’t give up the fight. World opinion is on the side of the people of Honduras, not Gorilletti.