Stupid Sex Tricks: Next time, just take the damn insulin.

I mean really…what else is there to say to THIS?

It all began when 62-year-old Enrique Milla, a married man of 25 years, went to a doctor to discuss his sexual dysfunction.

After consulting with a urologist, Milla decided to have a penile implant, reports.

His attorney Spence Aronfeld told CBS4 news partners Newsradio610 WIOD that the decision was a huge mistake.

“The problem is that Mr. Milla has uncontrolled diabetes and it is absolutely, 100 percent, contraindicated – which means it should not be done on anyone with uncontrolled diabetes because diabetics have a rate of infection (higher than) people who don’t have diabetes,” said Aronfeld.

Milla went ahead with the surgery and developed a very serious infection, which caused his penis to become gangrenous. It was then removed.

“The man will live the rest of his life without his penis,” Aronfeld said.

On second thought, this makes rather a good case for socialized medicine, does it not? We get very few cases of uncontrolled diabetes up here in Soviet Canuckistan.

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2 Responses to Stupid Sex Tricks: Next time, just take the damn insulin.

  1. Oh, ‘Bina. What a great PSA this is. Both for the single payer health care system and for uncontrolled diabetes.
    If we had a Canadian system, this man would have been seeing an endocrinologist who would have had his blood sugar under control and would have been able to prescribe the appropriate medications to help him rise to those occasions that his wife could stand him. (OK, terrible pun.)
    I happen to have that disease and it has other consequences besides just keeping the lead out of the old pencil. (OK, the puns are not living UP to the standard today. Oww, there it goes again.) It also causes your long appendage nerves and body core nerves to begin to die. This is the reason that the ‘manliness’ test sometimes fails. On the bright side, it can also prolong the onset of orgasm so your partner can appreciate that side effect.
    It’s very painful and it (the nerve damage) can only be managed, not cured, regardless of how well you control your blood sugar.
    If I sound like I know whereof I speak, it is because I do. My diabetes was not diagnosed until significant damage was done and the onset of various damages occurred.
    That’s the reason sometimes I seem to get lazy on my posting. Because the nerve damage also affects the long nerves of the arms.
    Sorry to be a downer on this humorous story, but I now take every opportunity I can even remotely connect with to preach the benefits of early diagnosis.
    However, from what I have been told and read, those implant thingys are not all they are pumped up to be (OK, I couldn’t resist another terrible pun.) and guys ought to think 5 or 6 times before they choose to be endowed with that option. (OK, that is the end of the terrible puns.)

  2. Jim, I’m somehow not surprised to hear that. (I intuitively figured that you would comment on this!)
    I suspect that Type 2 diabetes often goes undiagnosed, especially in males, because they’re so reluctant to admit that anything can go wrong with their anatomy. And because, unlike Type 1, the onset is not sudden. All those little symptoms are very easy to ignore until something major goes wrong.
    Of course, the fast-food/high-fructose corn syrup epidemic in North America right now, and the obesity epidemic it’s unleashed, are partly why we’re seeing such an uptick in the number of Type 2 diabetics. And the lack of public healthcare is a major reason so many cases are going undiagnosed and untreated, and why patients can’t afford the meds and therefore won’t take them even if they ARE diagnosed. Early diagnosis and treatment (and in many cases, exercise and a sensible diet) can control the disease or even reverse it. I know one guy who took Tai Chi in the same class as I did, and he not only lost some weight, he ended up going off his medication because the condition pretty much cleared up by itself!
    What amazes me is that this guy didn’t even ask why his peter was failing, and if it might have to do with other symptoms I’m sure he was experiencing. He just went for the most radical “solution”, which turned out to be the worst. Did the doctor not even run tests for diabetes before the operation? I know that when I last had surgery, I went through a whole battery of blood work to determine if I had any undiagnosed conditions that might complicate things. Fortunately, nothing new showed, and what I do have, was properly looked after. (I have a hereditary heart murmur, so I was given antibiotics in my IV beforehand to make damn sure nothing happened to my already floppy heart valves!)
    I’m amazed, though, how many people don’t make the connection. One time, I found a bag of empty McDonald’s wrappers in the weeds beside the highway near my place, along with a used insulin needle. I thought to myself: Yeah, buddy, way to keep your blood sugar under control. Your doctor must just LOVE you.

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