Belinda Carlisle comes out…

…in support of her son:

Belinda’s son is James Duke Mason. Here’s the skinny on him and the cause (from Proud Parenting):

Mason’s a writer – contributing to the LA-based magazine Frontiers. His bio from the magazine says: “After working as a volunteer for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and being appointed to serve as a page in the U.S. Congress, Mason decided he should turn his energy and enthusiasm to spreading a message of pride within the LGBT community.”

NO on 1/Protect Maine Equality has collected $2.7 million for its campaign against a ballot proposal to repeal marriage equality, more than double the amount the measure’s supporters said they raised.

Let’s hope they succeed.

(And on a semi-related note, I always knew the Go-Gos were a gay icon among pop bands, as well as a feminist one, but I had no idea how much until now!)

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