Music for a Sunday: Memories of a Cold War gone by

This one’s a bit dated now (and kind of overly sanitized if you’ve ever seen The Day After, which came out around the same time and scared the bejesus out of me), but it’s still effective, for all that; the “meltdown” of the home movie at the end always chokes me up. One commenter at the YouTube site writes, “Looking at Chernobyl it’s almost a premonition.” It is…and it’s more than just that. It’s an admonition, a warning never to let this happen for real.

Yes, President Obama, this song’s for you.

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2 Responses to Music for a Sunday: Memories of a Cold War gone by

  1. Manaat says:

    !!!Oligarcas temblad, viva la libertad!!!

  2. uzza says:

    Yeah–those missiles coming out of the silos was the scariest thing I ever saw.

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