Music for a Sunday: Folkies, North and South American…

Yep, I’m still on a folkie kick…take it away, Kate ‘n’ Anna!

Better learn to dance, or at least keep your balance on a floating log, fellas…you never know when it might come in handy.

And now, for something completely different, from Raíces de América:

The style could hardly be more different, but the basic theme is the same: The humble, in the end, come out on top.

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2 Responses to Music for a Sunday: Folkies, North and South American…

  1. Snarla says:

    Here’s a good story, Mexicans sending money to support their relatives in the US:

  2. Now how did I manage to miss this one? (scratches head)
    Great story…a real sign of the times, no doubt about that. Pretty soon we’ll be seeing gringos trying (illegally!) to enter Mexico…

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