Unintentionally revealing photo du jour


The handshake between the respective foreign ministers of Colombia and Ecuador, Jaime Bermúdez and Fander Falconí, as they announce the reopening of embassies in each other’s lands. Notice a hint of tension in there? Something a little off about the smiles? That’s because relations are still tense as a result of the March 2008 bombing of Ecuador by Colombia (with US “help”, natch). That, and the fact that Bermúdez, like his boss, is a nasty little shit who’s all too willing to let the gringos in so they can fuck up the entire region.

Caption suggestions welcome. What say, good people?

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One Response to Unintentionally revealing photo du jour

  1. Manaat says:

    “I think yer a piece of shit, but I´ll pretend to be nice.” — that seems to be what Falconí’s face is saying.

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