Venezuela, Peru: Compare and contrast…

…the way they treat their indigenous:

This 24-minute documentary (in Spanish) concerns an incident among the Yukpa in the Sierra de Perijá. You can read an English account about it here, in Venezuelanalysis.

What struck me about this video is not so much what happens in it, as what doesn’t happen. The soldiers of the Venezuelan army and national guard show up, along with officers of the federal criminal-investigative police (CICPC–the Venezuelan equivalent of the FBI, roughly.) The investigation into the shootings seems to have gotten bungled somewhat, and a cacique (chief) was apparently detained by mistake, but what’s really notable is that no further violence breaks out, even when members of the community confront the uniformed men with machetes. The arguments put forth by the Yukpa are vehement and emotional, but they don’t escalate into a more serious conflict. There seems to be some sort of attempt at respectful, constructive dialogue going on–uneven, but it’s an effort. The soldiers don’t repress the indigenous with gunfire; the police don’t round everyone up and disappear them arbitrarily. While the situation is not a total victory for human rights, it is a mark of real progress that the repression of the Fourth Republic is not in evidence here.

And for some real perspective on how things have progressed (and continue to progress) in Venezuela, why not compare this incident to the current situation in Peru? You can follow one particular case–that of Hunt Oil, currently illegally encroaching on indigenous territory–here at Otto’s blog, or here at El Duderino’s. Both are keeping a running tally of what promises to become a most explosive situation, with echoes of another recent massacre of Peruvian indigenous people–that of Bagua. You’ll note that the Peruvian government doesn’t hesitate to send out the troops to fire indiscriminately on the indigenous, nor to repress protests, however legitimate and peaceful, with deadly violence.

Somehow, this comparison makes you think, no? Or at least, it should. Next time you hear another ignoramus pontificating about how “fascist” and/or “communist” Venezuela has gotten over the past ten years, just bear in mind that it’s not the Venezuelan government killing indigenous people. Unlike in that oh-so-“democratic” Peru, where everything is apparently for sale–including virgin rainforest territory that is supposed to be protected from the depredations of the gringo. And when it comes to actual fascists facing criminal prosecution in Venezuela, it should be noted that Peru doesn’t hesitate to harbor them.

Why the Peruvian government favors foreign criminals (who contribute nothing materially or culturally) over the rights of innocent natives (who do contribute, in a major way) is a mystery I have yet to hear convincingly explained–just as I have yet to hear any legitimate proof that Venezuela has taken a turn for the authoritarian!

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4 Responses to Venezuela, Peru: Compare and contrast…

  1. Manaat says:

    So aporrea’s right hand column today is full of Calle 13 defenders.
    That site is definitely funny 🙂

  2. Yeah…just like during the abortion kerfuffle. LOL!
    I found one that’s quite good, so I’m gonna translate it. And include AlĂ­ Primera himself as proof that sexual frankness is not to be confused with vulgarity.

  3. Manaat says:

    Were you thinking of “Hablando de cantores y groserĂ­as”?
    I mean, the problem was the bad organization that didn’t leave time for Dame pa matala and the Primera Jrs and Paul Gillman to perform, not the fact that Calle 13 performed, as the article correctly notes. I think the kids at Dame pa matala are bummed that they don’t get enough respect from the boliburguĂ©s middle management, a sentiment I don’t understand (they point out in La Hojilla how elated they were in their US trip, particularly in the NYC, Chicago and SF trips, where they seem to have gotten plenty of love from the public, including the Dominican cab drivers at NYC — who apparently love Chávez; as do the Haitian cab drivers, I suspect, although they may have had communication problems as the DPM boys don’t speak English that well I think). So I do sympathize with them. (They are commited, idealistic and work hard, so what happened is really bad).

  4. That’s the one. 🙂
    Yeah, I was bummed that the Matala boys didn’t get to perform, either. Even more so to learn that the shooting was a robbery. Taking a band’s instruments is tantamount to killing them. That stuff don’t come cheap!

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