Yes, we CAN…haz torture inquiry


If you wanna know why I’m happy, read what Jack Layton sent me today:

Parliament passes NDP motion for an Inquiry on torture allegations

Thank you for your email concerning the recent allegations of prisoner

torture in Afghanistan. I am providing this update on our efforts to get

to the bottom of the allegations.

On December 1, Parliament agreed to pass the motion by New Democrat

Foreign Affairs critic Paul Dewar calling for a public inquiry over the

torture allegations. From the start, our Party believed that a public

inquiry was needed. We welcome the support of the other opposition

parties who agree with our position.

It’s now up to the Harper Conservatives to do the right thing. In

opposition, Mr. Harper spoke of a government’s moral responsibility to

respect the will of Parliament, because it was ultimately the democratic

will of Canadians. We want his government to be guided by these words

and to set-up this public inquiry.

Please find attached my speech in Parliament in support of my

colleague’s motion and you can visit the following link to read the text

of the full debate:


Canadians are understandably upset that there is a reluctance to take

responsibility for these allegations. Transferring detainees to those

whom are likely to torture them is a violation of international law.

However, the Conservative government continues to dodge and dismiss all

concerns about the treatment of prisoners. They’ve concealed evidence,

intimidated witnesses and obstructed the Military Police Complaints

Commission inquiry. We even heard from three Generals who told the

Afghanistan special committee that it wasn’t their job to follow up on

the condition of detainees after they were handed over to Afghan


It is clear that an inquiry is needed. Mr. Colvin’s revelations deserve

to be fully examined. And, if required, the appropriate people should

be held responsible.

New Democrats have been raising concerns about prisoner transfers in

Afghanistan since 2006. For more information, please refer to:


Again, I appreciate hearing from you. Feel free to share my response

with anyone who may be interested. All the best.


Jack Layton, MP (Toronto-Danforth)

Leader, Canada’s New Democrats

There you have it. A little triumph for real Canadians today.

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4 Responses to Yes, we CAN…haz torture inquiry

  1. Ian says:

    While I’m really proud of the work Layton’s achieved on this, I doubt Harper will follow through and will instead be in contempt of parliament.

  2. Lgirl says:

    Unfortunately this was a nonbinding motion. And as someone intimately involved with not one but two nonbinding motions (re war resisters) passed by Parliament that the Harper Govt has completely ignored, I know this does not a torture inquiry make.
    The motion passed more than a week ago. We’ve got to keep the pressure on.

  3. You’re probably right. Still, we can dream…and if he doesn’t follow through, there will be all kinds of hell to pay…

  4. Yep…and that we shall.

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