Chavecito dispels rumors on La Hojilla

Part one of six with the big guy, in Spanish. Click through and watch ’em all. This should officially silence the dipshit rumor mill that’s still churning over the cabinet shuffle (you’d think the anglo media never heard of that, though it’s a normal part of democracy just about anywhere it exists). The ‘Cito always gives viewers their time’s worth with charm, humor, compassion and smarts. He expresses his condolences for the two students who died in Mérida; he also introduces his new vice president, Elías Jaua, and new defence minister, General Carlos Mata Figueroa. (His new minister of the environment, Alejandro Hitcher, an engineer who was president of Hidrocapital, doesn’t appear on this episode, but is mentioned on Aporrea.)

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6 Responses to Chavecito dispels rumors on La Hojilla

  1. Slave Revolt says:

    Bina, nice that you caught the counterpunch smear piece on Chavez.
    This guy is a freak’en worm.
    Always a few ‘authentic’ phony effers out there, wanting to ingratiate themselves to corporate media.

  2. The more fool I…I bought his book on the ‘Cito. Talk about rushed into print! It was not only full of typos, but factual errors and bad writing to boot.
    And now this…some conspiracy freak on Aporrea or wherever it was wrote some bad sci-fi opinion piece on the HAARP project, based on the ravings of some nut in Russia, and he seriously believes Chávez said that? When, in fact, he is on record as having said precisely nothing about HAARP? Moron. Doesn’t he do any fact-checking? He might as well assert that Chávez said the moon was made of green cheese. (I fully expect to see THAT quoted, now, by some moron looking for more “evidence”…)
    Oh, and that bit about Idi Amin is also based on a misquote used to advantage by all the other crapaganda whores, too. He really said something like “Who knows, maybe to some, Idi Amin was a great patriot…” in a speculative, shoulder-shrugging kind of way. He did not say he really thought that himself! But we already knew that. Did Kozloff? Or did he just not care, because he was really stuck for something to write tin-pot-dictator fiction about?

  3. Slave Revolt says:

    Well, the article in question was pretty incongruous. He starts swinging, berating Chavez, etc.–then he starts talking about the US occupation, and it as if he reluctantly starts moving to the position that, yes, the US is pretty incompetent and brazen.
    I haven’t read any of the guy’s books, but it is interesting that with his inability to artfully or interestingly convey ideas that he has much cachet among the left.
    Mind you, I don’t have problems with constructive criticism, but with Chavez as the topic, it is pretty easy to see capitalist intelligentsia merely ingratiating themselves to the boss-man when they spread mis-information, or when they decontextualize, and unfairly distort the history of Chavez and the Bolivarian socialist movement.
    Class alliances have a way of making writers tone-deaf and mere hacks.

  4. Yeah, that was the impression I got, too. The funny part is, he starts out on a completely wrong foot anyway, because Chávez never said anything about an induced earthquake, only that the US should not be allowed to take advantage of Haiti’s misfortune (meaning, through IMF and World Bank loans and all the usual imperial military shenanigans.) So his criticism isn’t even valid! It’s just a hit piece dressed up as “good leftist plays the Voice of Reason”. Gah!

  5. Manaat says:

    I bought his first book too, and it was bad … he is just soft in the head. I decided not to buy the second one for that reason.

  6. Yeah, me neither. I was left scratching my head wondering where he got that doctorate…

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