A. He’s always brushing it. Otherwise, the confetti would build up to unbearable levels and crush him:

A. He’s always brushing it. Otherwise, the confetti would build up to unbearable levels and crush him:
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Fear doesn't travel well; just as it can warp judgment, its absence can diminish memory's truth. What terrifies one generation is likely to bring only a puzzled smile to the next. --Arthur Miller, "Why I Wrote 'The Crucible'", The New Yorker, October 21, 1996
All opinions here are the brain-wrackings of Sabina C. Becker, unless otherwise credited. If you cite them, please give credit where due.
Suck it, haters. Feminism rocks!
You got that right! He hasn’t sent troops to continue to occupy the country of someone else and send drone missiles to kill kiddies in their schoolhouse. He also hasn’t sent “humanitarian aid” in the form of an occupying army to once again act as the imperialist that he is.
Go Evo! The Nobel Committee needs to consider that he has actually pacified the wingnut fascists in the media luna and ended what for all intents and purposes was another attempt by the US imperialists to overthrow a democratically elected president.
OK. Enough of the rant for today!
And best of all, he really does have nice hair.