Also, Cort G. e-mailed me this:*Please distribute widely* People in Toronto, Montreal and Caracas, Venezuela will be demonstrating in support of the democratic people’s movement in Venezuela and exposing the hypocrisy of the Harper Conservatives who are waging war in Afghanistan while avoiding public accountability at home. Conservative Minister for the Americas Peter Kent has publicly criticized Venezuela as ‘undemocratic’ for applying its laws to TV and radio broadcasters. Kent and his fellow Harper Conservatives shouldn’t speak about democracy at the same time as closing our parliament for months to avoid being investigated for complicity in handing over detainees to torture in Afghanistan. Thursday, February 25th @ 5pm 365 Bloor St. East (at Sherbourne) In front of Venezuelan Consulate For more information see/contact: Facebook page:!/event.php?eid=319821343005&ref=nf Latin American Solidarity Network (LASN): Barrio Nuevo:
Anyone who can make it, please do attend. Your support will be greatly appreciated.And have a grrrrrreat day.Saturday, 27 February 2010, 09:30 – 16:00Pre- registration: vzteachin@hotmail.comSaturday, Feb 27, Registration 9:30Sidney Smith Building, Room 2117100 St.George St. (North of Harbord St.) The Challenge of Solidarity: Attend these events to participate, to learn and to help all of us to rise to the challenge of solidarity — building a movement against imperialism.Registration: 9:30 a.m.Donation: $10 or what you canOpening Session 10 a.m. — 11 a.m.Greetings by Venezuelan consul.Opening address: Ten years of the Bolivarian revolution, covering Venezuelan history, the current context, and the challenge that Venezuela poses. Speaker: Maria Paez Workshops for the morning, from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.1. Communal councils and grassroots organizing and the new state.2. Imperialism’s economic crisis and Latin America.3. Workers’ Control and the Unions.4. Colombia/Venezuela/seven U.S. bases and more.5. People-to-people solidarity. Vegetarian Lunch 1 p.m.-2 p.m. Workshops for the afternoon from 2 p.m. — 4 p.m.1. ALBA and Its Challenge to Neoliberalism.2. Venezuela and World Solidarity.3. Women and the Venezuelan revolution.4. Endogenous development and oil5. Alternative media in Venezuela and CanadaFinal plenary: Latin American Solidarity and the Canadian Left Organized by: OPIRG, Centre for Social Justice, Barrio Nuevo, Hands Off Venezuela/Louis Riel Bolivarian Circle, Latin America Solidarity Network–Toronto, Socialist Project, Venezuela We Are With You Coalition/Coalicion/Venezuela Estamos Contigo. Co-sponsored by Toronto, Bolivia Solidarity,Toronto Haiti Action CommitteeFor further information, email vzteachin@hotmail.comLocation : Sidney Smith Building, Room 2117, 100 St.George St. (North of Harbord St.), University of TorontoContact :
It’s much too far from South Carolina to attend, especially when you have to stop every 30 minutes for medical reasons. But God would I LOVE to be at both of these. You do such good work, ‘Bina. You may save the world from the Capitalist Imperialist Killers yet……You may blush now and stammer something about only doing your duty.
Well, I won’t blush or stammer…I’ll just say I’m doing my own little bit, as I couldn’t be there either. I’d have to be on a very expensive train at an ungodly hour of the morning for the teach-in. But I’ll be there in spirit nonetheless…