G-20 summit: Fascism, heads up!


Courtesy Toronto Media Co-op, a harbinger of nasty things to come at the G-20 summit:

Toronto – The RCMP-led Integrated Security Unit (ISU) of the G20 is refusing to rule out the use of Agent Provocateurs to get protesters to commit illegal acts, the Toronto Media Co-op has learned.

During a G20 forum on April 30th held by Toronto City Councilors, Constable George Tucker, a member of the G20 planning team responsible for Public Affairs, Communications & Corporate Relations, was asked if Agent Provocateurs would be used.

He responded: “I’m not at liberty to discuss security issues in an open format”.

Translation: Yes, we’re going to use provocs. But we’re gonna be coy and ask the media to hold up the mask for us.

And here’s why that would be:

Gary Davidson, a retired RCMP officer who was active in VIP security, says they are illegal, although he does not think the RCMP uses them: “I cannot speak for other police forces [such as Toronto Police Services, the Ontario Provincial Police, etc.] but I can say that although the RCMP probably would have plain clothed police mixed in with the crowd, the RCMP has never used provocateurs. Basically, they hope all the protesters just go away. To the best of my knowledge, the use of Agent Provocateurs is illegal in Canada and that the RCMP would not and has not engaged in such practice,” he explained in an e-mail.

Illegal in Canada, but it’s been used here before. I’ve blogged previously on this; seems that Québec police have quite blatantly broken this law. It’s hard to plant a bunch of burly cops among some scrawny little anarchists, non?

And oh yeah, it’s been done at OTHER G-20 summits, too. Most recently in London. It’s something of a pattern at any summits starting with the letter G!

During a phone interview with the Media Co-op, Constable Meghan Gray with the TPS G20 Planning Team responsible for Public Affairs, Communications & Community Relations, was also asked directly whether Agent Provocateurs would be used.

Toronto Media Co-op: Can you confirm or deny that you will be using agent provocateurs? Do you think they are illegal?

Meaghan Gray: “Like [my co-worker], George Tucker, those are operational issues, I can’t speak to that.”

TMC: “A source from the RCMP has told me their use is illegal. Are you saying you can’t rule out an illegal activity will be used?”

Gray: “Well…I’d have to ask someone else about that….I’ll get somebody to get back to you.”

Gray responded via e-mail 2 hours later.

“I have spoken with my colleagues on the Public Affairs Team and as I
stated, with respect to your questions regarding Agents Provocateurs, the
 Integrated Security Unit for the G8-G20 Summits will not discuss
 operational details,” she wrote.

Though Gray stated that “all police efforts will be lawful”, this is not the first time that an ISU for a summit has been asked about Agent Provocateurs. Nor is it the first time they have refused to respond.

“Lawful”, but not legal?

Coyness: Also a fascist strategy. Toronto G-20 protesters, consider this your heads-up. Watch out for guys who look like they have regular access to a gym and steroids, ‘kay?

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One Response to G-20 summit: Fascism, heads up!

  1. Jim Hadstate says:

    Why does anything that the Harper led government agencies do no surprise me anymore. I am still chapped over the detention of Amy Goodman by the RCMP at the border on her way to a lecture in Vancouver. I mean, Canada has never had a mass murder terrorist attack.
    It has only sent a terrorist south to us to try and make a ‘dirty’ bomb. Although I have a feeling he was about as knowledgeable about a ‘dirty’ bomb as the Times Square bomber was about plain old bombs.
    It’s just another reason to run roughshod over civil liberties and centralize the power in the hands of your dear PM. If you don’t watch out, you will join the third world and have a coup d’etat.

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