The ad the Financial Times wouldn’t publish

I don’t know what their problem with it is. Perhaps you can tell me:


Pollution has been linked to allergies. Gee…do you suppose the polluted people at the FT are allergic to facts?

This, BTW, is what lies ahead for everyone and everything in the path of the Gulf oil spill. BP now gets to join Royal Dutch Shell in the Hall of Shame.

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One Response to The ad the Financial Times wouldn’t publish

  1. Jim Hadstate says:

    Isn’t the Financial Times one of Rupert Murdock’s rags? That would explain everything if it is.
    I have been in a group that I found via another advocacy group that has repeatedly petitioned Shell to stop several of its projects, including this one, that it is merrily raping the environment. So far, like the Financial Times, the simply ignore it and go right on doing what they are doing.
    And just so you know, they are neck and neck with BP in the Hall of Shame. But the Platinum Award goes to Occidental Petroleum for their Piper Alpha Catastrophe in the North Sea, the off-shore disaster by which all others are measured. What a sickening bunch of people. They must be sociopaths or they couldn’t sleep at night.

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