Viacom = Money Grubbing Hypocrites

Let Mike Mozart (normally a toy reviewer on YouTube) explain to you how “copyright infringement” REALLY works:

So, in summation: If you mash-up or otherwise post to YouTube any material copyrighted by Viacom, even if it’s just a tribute and you’re not making a cent off it, they can shut you down…but if THEY steal YOUR original stuff off YouTube and post it to their “viral video” site, disguising its true origins and gunking it up with ads that make money for them…well…you’re fucked. Unless, of course, you make them feel it whammo in the pocketbook. Be sure to watch toward the end of the video, where Mike tells you just how to do that.

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2 Responses to Viacom = Money Grubbing Hypocrites

  1. Wren says:

    Does this mean I have to boycott The Daily Show and The Colbert Report too? *Cries*
    Viacom really hates the whole sharing thing. They even took down The Daily show and The Colbert Report from Hulu.
    And now we get to see Viacom’s real motive for the suit against Google/Youtube. Viacom says they have no problem with Youtube now or since May 2008. It was all about the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Viacom apparently thinks the law isn’t corporate friendly enough.
    Not sure if Google has standing in suing Viacom over using Youtube user videos without permission though. I would think that would have to be pursued by the users themselves. Probably why Viacom thinks it is safe to continue to do so.

  2. I’m “boycotting” Jon and Stephen by sad default. Everytime I try to click on one of their videos, especially on the HuffPo, I end up redirected to The Comedy Network’s clunky site. Where I promptly get lost and lose a lot of time trying to find the thing, and end up not watching it anyway. They REALLY are a clueless bunch of greedheads–they are alienating their target audience everytime they put money ahead of what’s supposed to be their whole reason for existing–namely ENTERTAINMENT. I guess YouTubers will have no recourse other than a class-action lawsuit. If I could, I’d fucking nationalize Viacom and then make all the content free to whoever wants it, no questions asked!

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