Festive Left Friday Blogging: Socialized medicine, epic fail?

Don’t tell it to Chavecito’s Venezuela. They just graduated another big class of new doctors…


…meaning that 90% of Venezuelans now have access to public medical care, up from less than 40%, which it was when Chavecito was first elected in 1998. In another year or two, it should be 100%. Chavecito really is the Tommy Douglas of Latin America.

But in case all that factual stuff about the abject failure of privatization (which is really a form of privation) bores you, here you go. The obligatory adorable shot:


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One Response to Festive Left Friday Blogging: Socialized medicine, epic fail?

  1. Jim Hadstate says:

    Viva La Revolucion! Viva El Socialismo! Viva Hugo Chavez, Presidente!

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