I’ve been nominated!


Yes, that’s right, kids…your humble auntie is a nominee in the Feminist category of the Canadian Blog Awards.

I doubt very much that I’ll win; there are others more deserving (popular, exclusively feminist, etc.)–but it’s nice to have the mention just the same. This eclectic little corner of cyberspace appreciates a good nod, and will certainly try to live up to the recognition it confers.

Congratulations to my fellow nominees, too, many of whom fought for this category to be included and taken seriously. That’s what it’s all about, this feminism thing–the radical notion that we women are something more than just a ladies’ auxiliary.

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10 Responses to I’ve been nominated!

  1. Ben Gruagach says:

    Congrats on the nomination!

  2. Manaat says:

    Is the vote open to Canadians only? And congrats!

  3. I don’t know…try it and see, is all I can suggest. And thanks!

  4. Anthony says:

    I just dropped my vote a moment ago, and had no problems, so I say the poll is open for non-Canadians. 🙂
    Oh, and congratulations on the nomination!

  5. Slave Revolt says:

    Well, you definately have a blog that is timely, that includes a broad array of interesting information, your writing is non-pretentious, yet erudite, your wit is cutting and ball-kicking (in a classy, honorable way), you are definately not a crass self-promoter, and you are the only Canadian feminist with a well formed, heathy and vibrant senese of ethics that I know or follow.
    It is readily apparent that you are a winner. No doubt. As you don’t have a mass following in the “being popular”, fakish high school sense, I doubt you will win this particular award–partly because this was never your goal.
    However, the fact that I access your blog to keep up with the issues that I deem important, that is pretty amazing. The ebb and flow of topical issues in our culture can be kind of boring–but when they are framed within a larger awareness of what we are and can be as humans, and what we must do to heal the damage we have inflicted upon ourselves, your blog is in reality existing on a level of importance that not any single one of us can describe with mere language.
    In the larger context, getting a trophy for this effort and creativity is kind of missing “the point”.
    That said, we are social creatures, and being paid attention to at all is a good thing.

  6. otto says:

    yes, you rule.

  7. Jim Hadstate says:

    All of us that are members of the court of her majesty knew that Queen ‘Bina was the greatest ever. It’s nice to see that the rest of the world (or at least some of it) is beginning to catch up. Feliciaciones y muy buena suerte!

  8. Jim Hadstate says:

    Otto’s just jealous because he wasn’t nominated and there is no Bolivian Best Feminist Blog for him to curtsy in. Snark! ;-0

  9. Never mind any of those other uppity ne’er-do-wells. The Cowardly Lion pic swings it.

  10. Richard says:

    I take it twas merest chance the tabulation is being conducted by something called “Polldaddy”.

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