A vile murderer has died…unpunished, but unforgiven:
Translation mine.To understand just what a travesty the case of Emilio Massera is, you have to know that he is THE architect of the secret death camps of the Argentine junta. Kidnappings, tortures, and death flights where still-living victims were drugged and pushed out of planes over the great estuary of the Río de la Plata, all took place under Massera’s direction. Even the navy’s own mechanics’ school became a secret torture facility where hundreds died in unimaginable pain, many of them pregnant women whose children were later given away to fascist families in a travesty of adoption. Patricia Derian, who was sent by Jimmy Carter to investigate the offences of the junta, tells just what a cold-blooded, vicious man Massera was:A rat in a dead woman’s vagina. A boot stomping on a human face, forever. Massera “washing” his hands of the evils like Pontius Pilate. It doesn’t get more Orwellian than this.I can only say what survivors and the loved ones of victims have said for the past thirty-odd years:Rot in hell, Massera. Rot in fucking hell, and know the tortures of the damned.An ex-dictator of Argentina, Emilio Eduardo Massera, died today, aged 85, of a cardio-respiratory failure in the Naval Hospital of Buenos Aires, according to local media.Massera died at 4 pm local time (7 pm GMT), according to an unidentified employee of the medical centre, who did not wish to identify himself because he was not authorized to give out information.Known as “Admiral Zero”, Massera designed the plan that the military junta used to exterminate at least 30,000 leftist and opposition militants after the coup of March 24, 1976.The ex-head of the Navy was sentenced to life in prison in 1985 and pardoned in 1990 by then-president Carlos Menem. The pardon was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 2005. That same year, however, a judge declared Massera “demented” and suspended all further trials against him.
It’s a tragedy he died a free man.
That he died so soon after Ernesto Kirchner is befitting–as it gives people opprotunity to contemplate the difference of style and tone. The difference points up what is elemental and important. This is “the difference that makes a difference”, that is “information”, as defined by Gregory Bateson (Canadian, btw). This information defines the “work to be done” going forward.
A more healthy, artful, and socially just world must and can come into the horizon of possibility. And it is up to us to make it real.
By the way, the system is biting back at me. I’ve stepped on toes and who knows.
I speak with my lawyer tomarrow to find out what is going on. Thus far the actions on the part of the authorities, and what they say, doesn’t make sense.
My lawyer is the worst in Florida. He is meek in the extreme.
But with him and Jesus on my side, I will come out of this smelling like roses. Of this I have no doubt.
I keep my head down, but I am Bolivarian with no apologies. More, I bluntly state the corruption of imperialism and ecological rape and hypocrisy.
So, who knows. They went after pro-Palestinaian and anti-war activists, and this is worrying.
I think you got a little confused there, amigo–Kirchner’s name is Néstor. Ernesto is Che Guevara’s name. Still, it’s understandable–both have something in common in that they took on corpofascism and won….
BTW, who’s this “they”? Don’t tell me now if it compromises your case, but please do check in later. This sounds worrisome.
The “they”, as always, comprise the system that reinforces status quo interests. I have long been a bit nervous speaking out against all types of imperialism.
Related to my business, the authorities are completely compromised and defanged with respect to the ecological degradation and destruction. I have walked a fine line to date.
The FBI has come down on anti-war activists and folks that speak out for Palestinians.
I have earned the ire of one of the most retrograde and wealthy people that have sway here in this state.
This fact, a vindictive former employer, could pose problems.
I sit in a very unique position. I have so far kept a low profile, choosing not to come public with the systemic corruption that I have seen with respect to our ecological health, corporate interests for short-term profits, and ingrained pathological attitudes and behaviors that come to to the forefront, that are at the root of our ecological crisis.
As I have endeavored to not be corrupt or bought, I represent a threat to reactionary forces that undergird the status quo.
I have remained quiet with respect to my public face–mostly because to say anything to further my economic gain would have been to become complicit in the widespread corruption.
You don’t read much about what happens here in the Southern US as a matter of course. Witness the BP spill and the lack of outrage and compelling reportage–safe a few intrepid journalists on the periphery of information flows.
Anyway, I know how oppressive powers conspire to smack down threats.
Yes, I may be being a bit alarmist at this point, but my intuition has held me in good stead so far.
Not to worry, however, I have Jesus and the worst lawyer in Florida on my side. There is no way I can lose.I will expand on the details later.
LOL, you caught me mixing Che and Kirchner’s names. My bad.
“Nestor” is too phonically close to “molester”, like “Chester” of Hustler infamy.
That Che and Kirchner both hail from Argentina is good, though.
Things are moving on this end, and this is both scary and exciting. Moving to another level of engagement.
Stupid sheep don’t alarm the headmasters, but if you start making moves, they can get nervous.
Usually, when they have a weak hand, they overplay and bluff to try to psyche you out.
The worst lawyer in Florida? As someone in law school right now I can say that’s quite an achievement considering how poor the legal system is in Florida.
I say “worst lawyer” in the ironic, wry, numerous sense.
When I hired his services on a minor matter he was meek to the point I wanted to speak up for him in front of the judge.
He is older, physically handicapped, and never made much money as a public defense lawyer. Indeed, I am better read than he is, and much more radical and critically thinking with respect to the powers that be. But the guy loves animals, native plants and nature. He has healthy ethics– and that is why he will be my lawyer.