Festive Left Friday Blogging: Couldn’t have happened to a nicer Ewok


Oh my…looks like somebody won something:

The Indira Gandhi Peace Prize for 2010 was awarded today to the president of Brazil, Luiz Lula da Silva, by way of a decision by an international jury led by the Indian prime minister, Manmohan Singh.

The prime minister, who leaves office on December 31, says the jury chose Lula because he worked “for the reinforcement of relations between developing nations, and particularly for his important support for co-operation” between India and Brazil.

Created in 1986, the Indira Gandhi prize for peace, disarmament and development has been previously awarded to Mikhail Gorbachev (1987), Vaclav Havel (1993), Jimmy Carter (1997) and Mohamed El-Baradei (2008).

Brazil and India are members of the “BRIC” group of nations, along with Russia and China.

Translation mine.

Congratulations to my favorite Ewok.

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