For many Venezuelans, it’s been a rough December. Flooding forced many poor folks to abandon their homes, as entire hillsides came crashing down in torrents of mud. They are now living in government shelters as the rebuilding effort gets underway. Others had to spend the holiday in prison or hospital. For them, this Christmas didn’t look so good. That is, until a big, jolly man in red showed up. No, it wasn’t Santa Claus. It was their president:

welcomes refugees to the government palace: “Welcome, you have come to the House of the People.” It’s not merely “mi casa es su casa”, it really is their house. Some of them are actually staying there due to the flooding. When’s the last time you saw a president provide aid so directly?
Meanwhile, some prisoners
received pardons:

Can you believe that ‘Cito, he actually said “prisons have to be converted into centres of social formation”? Evil commie! Total totalitarian!
And of course, it wouldn’t be Christmas without a Christ Child. But this little “Jesusito” wasn’t born in a manger behind a crowded inn, he was born in one of
three new maternity hospitals:
…and of course, the big guy couldn’t resist the impulse to cuddle the Santa-suited little one. Much to the new mom’s delight.
Feliz Chavidad!
Now this is a real leader–as opposed to the fake-asses that pimp capitalism and ecocide as the only way forward.
Merry Christmas!
Jesus is revolutionary, gives us the strength to take on the evil screwers. Word.