Oh gag me, part deuxième


Can you believe this? Even in death, Carlos Andrés Pérez is the stuff of bad soap opera. Courtesy of the indefatigable Cort G., this landed in my e-mail today:

MIAMI (AP) — A judge has delayed the burial of former Venezuelan President Carlos Andres Perez amid a family feud over his final resting place.

Miami-Dade Circuit Judge Gerald Hubbart issued an order late Tuesday to keep a funeral home from burying Perez as planned Wednesday.

His first wife, Blanca Perez, wants him buried in Venezuela. She maintains that she has the right to decide because, while the two were separated, they were never legally divorced. She also claims Perez left no written instructions regarding his remains.

Perez’s longtime mistress and secretary, Cecilia Matos, and their two daughters had planned to bury him in Miami, where they live, after a Mass Wednesday. Matos is frequently identified as Perez’s current wife, but it is not clear if they were married.

She and her daughters have vowed they will not bring Perez’s remains back to Venezuela until President Hugo Chavez, who led a 1992 coup attempt against him, leaves office.

Hubbart did not immediately schedule another hearing, but he granted Blanca Perez’s request to prevent the funeral home from taking any action to bury or otherwise dispose of the body until the dispute is settled.

Juan C. Antunez and Juan Jose Delgado, appointed to handle the matter on Blanca Perez’s behalf, declined to comment Wednesday.

Perez’s family in Venezuela wants him buried there next to his daughter Thais, who died 15 years ago.

Another daughter in Venezuela, Carolina Perez, told The Associated Press she found out about her father’s death from Twitter and her family was never consulted about the burial. She maintains that her mother, Blanca Perez, should be the one to decide what happens to her father’s remains.

“They’re still married, and the law is very clear in Venezuela and in the United States: When the person dies, the one who has the right to reclaim the body is the spouse, and we exercised that right,” she said.

Diego Arria, a close Perez ally and his former U.N. ambassador, said both sides have expressed willingness to resolve the situation and he does not believe the dispute will turn into an extended court battle.

He said lawyers for Perez’s relatives in Miami and Caracas are discussing the matter and that both sides should agree on when the ex-president’s body are to be taken to Venezuela.

Oh my. This is embarrassing. In my first entry on CAP’s death I translated “separated” as “divorced”, assuming that that had taken place. It hadn’t. Either CAP couldn’t be bothered, or he was so arch-Catholic and hypocritical that he didn’t dare offend the churchmen who tend to side with Venezuela’s oligarchy on all issues anyway. Maybe he really was expecting to be called back to the presidency when Chavecito was overthrown!

Plus, seeing as CAP left no burial instructions, it seems very likely that he left no will either. Meaning, more catfights in court to come. Any way you slice it, we have yet another CAP scandal!

Of course, I fully expect the oppos to somehow try to spin this politically as “Chávez’s fault”. After all, he “drove” CAP into “exile”…only, of course, that happened while the young, yet-to-be-elected Chavecito was still in Yare Prison for leading an insurrection against CAP (who was impeached during the same period), so of course they can’t. Chavecito has already said that the Pérez family has a right to bring his remains back to Venezuela for burial, so there’s certainly no way they can rightly blame him for this tangle. But it will be entertaining to watch the fireworks anyway.

Popcorn, anyone?

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One Response to Oh gag me, part deuxième

  1. Jim Hadstate says:

    Too bad CAP was too cheap to buy an annulment from the Catholic hierarchy. Then his Florida squeeze could run by his grave everyday and dance on it.

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