I have a hunch that they didn’t originally do it to Run-DMC, but I’m amazed at how well the phrasing of the song fits the action of this old Russian film of soldiers holding a cossack dance-off.
I have a hunch that they didn’t originally do it to Run-DMC, but I’m amazed at how well the phrasing of the song fits the action of this old Russian film of soldiers holding a cossack dance-off.
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Fear doesn't travel well; just as it can warp judgment, its absence can diminish memory's truth. What terrifies one generation is likely to bring only a puzzled smile to the next. --Arthur Miller, "Why I Wrote 'The Crucible'", The New Yorker, October 21, 1996
All opinions here are the brain-wrackings of Sabina C. Becker, unless otherwise credited. If you cite them, please give credit where due.
Suck it, haters. Feminism rocks!
Aha… I always suspected break-dancing was a commie plot to rob us of our precious bodily fluids 🙂