Do these sound to you like the last words of a suicidal man? They sound to me like the words of one who was determined to fight to the death, and did.
Now, a new chapter is being written. It could put the lie to the notion that the great socialist president committed suicide, according to the Chilean news site, Emol:
“Puzzling” is what the “Special Report” team is calling a document from the Military Prosecutor’s office which could refute the theory that Salvador Allende committed suicide.
The TVN program editor, Felipe Gerdtzen, revealed that the document was found in the rubble of a house demolished in 2010.
“The house of an army colonel named Horacio Ritz was demolished. He had been secretary to the military tribunal and he had this paper in his home. The demolition crew chief found it last year. The document’s existence was made known by this gentleman, who revealed it in March of this year,” the journalist told Emol.
The military report, dated September 11, 1973, “consists of a report from the scene of the incident, ballistic examination, dactyloscopic investigation, eyewitness testimonies, and the autopsy,” said Gerdtzen.
The document was sent by the television program to an Uruguayan, Hugo Rodríguez, expert in “historical autopsies”. He came to the conclusion that the body of Allende bore a bullet wound different to that which supposedly ended his life.
“This document is the only judicial investigation ever conducted on the death of Allende, there is no other. For that reason, it has an extraordinary historic value. At base, this is a theme for the archives of the military tribunals, because for us it is puzzling that this material could only be found when a house was demolished and it was found in the rubbish,” said editor Gerdtzen.
He added that he report “does not seek to interfere” with the course of the current investigation by Judge Mario Carroza, who ordered the exhumation of the former president’s body for new forensic examinations.
Translation mine.
Allende’s body was exhumed this past week, according to YVKE Mundial. It is said to be satisfactorily preserved, and will take about three months for the new investigation to be completed. I think we’ll see more interesting details emerging in the weeks to come. Watch this space…
Never underestimate those suicidal people. Here in the Southern US, they’ve been known to tie their hands behind their backs and then hang themselves, beat themselves up, shoot themselves and set fire to their bodies.
Mustn’t forget the ones who shoot themselves lethally twice. From behind. With a rifle.